
Ginseng Chicken Soup with Abalone

Ginseng chicken soup has been a popular Korean cuisine. The whole spring chicken stuffed with rice, a ginseng, a chestnut and Chinese dates in hot soup is a great comfort food, particularly in the winter when it’s freezing outside. It warms you up.

How about when it’s 35 degrees celsius outside? Well, the restaurants are air-conditioned and there are ingredients that meant to be good for health in the summer, too.

Haeundae Somunnan Samgyetang 海雲臺「名品」人蔘雞
If you feel like having ginseng chicken soup in Haeundae, Somunnan Semgyetang is one of the famous restaurants near the Hard Rock Cafe.
如果你在海雲臺又想吃人蔘雞,在 Hard Rock Cafe 附近的海雲臺「名品」人蔘雞是一間有名的餐廳。
Haeundae Somunnan Samgyetang 海雲臺「名品」人蔘雞
The restaurant opens from 10:00 to 22:00. However, please note that all local restaurants close early or closed during their holidays, including this one.
Haeundae Somunnan Samgyetang 海雲臺「名品」人蔘雞
The restaurant was bright, clean and spacious.
Haeundae Somunnan Samgyetang 海雲臺「名品」人蔘雞
There is a wall of jars containing different ingredients. Not sure if they are the actual ingredients used or just for decoration only.
Haeundae Somunnan Samgyetang 海雲臺「名品」人蔘雞
Then menu is quad lingual: Korea, English, Chinese and Japanese. The menu provides nice photos and good descriptions. The Ginseng Chicken Soup with Abalone costs KRW 18,000 (approx. HK$130).
餐牌有四種語言:韓文、英文、中文、日文。圖片解說都很清楚。鮑魚人蔘雞湯每份 18,000 韓元(約130港幣)。
Haeundae Somunnan Samgyetang 海雲臺「名品」人蔘雞
Visiting Busan, seafood is a not-to-be-missed ingredient. This ginseng chicken soup with abalone is one of the most popular meals in the restaurant. It tasted good!


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