

長野縣輕井澤位於海拔 1,000 米高地,自然環境優美,距離東京不遠,新幹線只需約40分鐘便可到達,在19世紀末開始成為東京有錢人和外交人員的避暑勝地。除了有很多別墅外,這裏也有不少具特色的教堂、結婚禮堂,連藝術館也設有玻璃禮堂和提供婚禮服務。

Karuizawa New Art Museum
Karuizawa New Art Museum is conveniently locating on the main street about 7 minutes walk from the JR station.
Karuizawa New Art Museum
One of the permanent “DNA of Love” sculptures is displaying on the outdoor hallway space of the ground level where the wedding celebrations take place.
Karuizawa New Art Museum
It is created by Jean-Michel Othoniel, a French artist who has created many amazing public art around the world. His art works are permanent exhibition of the museum.
「愛的基因」玻璃雕塑是法國藝術家 Jean-Michel Othoniel 的作品,也是藝術館的長期展覽,很切合婚禮的主題。
Karuizawa New Art Museum
There’s a glass chapel in the yard decorated with white birch trees, creating a unique forest environment. Very nice!

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