Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email LinkedIn 富山縣下新川郡朝日町舟川可看到最美的春色:「春之四重奏」。除了櫻花,還有有不同顏色的鬱金香、黃色的油菜花,背景是還有雪的朝日山和白馬連峰! Let’s start off the first “player” of the spring quartet: cherry blossom. Full bloom of Shidarezakura (weeping cherry) on April 11.來到景點第一重奏是櫻花,這些枝垂櫻剛好滿開。 There are around 280 cherry trees planted along the 1.2km long path on both sides of the stream, offering a nice walk in spring. 沿著一條舟川旁邊約1.2公里種滿280棵櫻花樹,沿路走很寫意。 Yet feel fortunate that I could still see “The spring quartet”. There was a bit of sun and blue sky for a little while.但真是有點運氣的,看到了「春之四重奏」,還有短暫的陽光和藍天。 The second “player” is the canola flower field. These bright yellow flower blossom in April.第二重奏是黃色的油菜花,每年的花期是4月份。 This is third canola flower fields in Japan that I’ve seen. These delicate yellow flowers are beautiful.這是我在日本見過的第三個有一大片油菜花田的地方。日本真好玩,越看越出色。 There we go. The spring quartet! Various colorful tulips, canola flowers, cherry trees and the snow mountain (Mount Asahi).看到了「春之四重奏」:鮮豔的鬱金香、黃色的油菜花、一排櫻花樹和雪山(朝日山和白馬連峰)。 This is a newly developed tourist destination. There aren’t that many tourists (both local and foreign tourists) which make it really nice to take a walk and take photos.「春之四重奏」還是一個新開發的景點,沒有幾個外國遊客,週日連當地遊客都不多,很舒服寫意! Transportation: Drive or take a train to Tomari Station, there is a shuttle bus that goes between the train station and the destination from April 7 to 14, 2016. Please note that the schedule may vary every year.交通:自駕。或乘搭火車到泊駅,在預想期間即2016年4月7日止14日有穿梭巴士直達,十分方便。 明年時間可能有變。 cherry blossomflower fieldsToyama富山櫻花花田賞櫻 Related Posts 輕鬆遊高知:市内免費單車租借 31 10 月, 2019 Autumn Foliage in Niigata Japan 7 10 月, 2019 日本新潟縣紅葉景點 7 10 月, 2019 Comments are closed.
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