

喜歡韓劇的觀眾,去首爾必要到「星星茶坊」朝聖。因為這一間就是拍攝韓國電視真人show 第二季「我們結婚了」的場景,故名思議,是男女主角邂逅的地方。其實,很多電視電影的場景都成為旅遊景點。「星星茶坊」與它的英文名字 Miss Lee Cafe 很不一樣,最重要是記得英文名字和認住這可愛紅袍女孩商標,頭上有一顆星星。



Miss Lee Cafe in Seoul 首爾星星茶坊
I walked pass this and thought it was a florist or a boutique shop selling dried flowers. 我走過時還以為這間是花店或者有乾花賣的精品店。
Miss Lee Cafe in Seoul 首爾星星茶坊
Then I saw some hand-made fruit tea leaves for sale. 然後看到一瓶瓶手工花茶,有價錢,攤檔的格局。
Miss Lee Cafe in Seoul 首爾星星茶坊
It was this big doll sitting next to a red post box caught my eyes. I looked up the logo and recognized that I saw it mentioned somewhere on a guidebook. 然後,這個可愛的紅衣公仔和郵筒令我眼前一亮。看看招牌,記得有看過這咖啡店的介紹。
Miss Lee Cafe in Seoul 首爾星星茶坊
After checking on the menu outside the restaurant, I decided to give it a try. Hungry. 看過門口的餐牌,決定一試。肚餓了!
Miss Lee Cafe in Seoul 首爾星星茶坊
The counter and kitchen are right by the entrance. There are only a few staff managing the whole cafe. 廚房和櫃台對正門口,整間咖啡室只有幾個員工。
Miss Lee Cafe in Seoul 首爾星星茶坊
The big paper tree filled with wishes is the main decoration of the shop. It looks sweet and cosy. 餐廳中間就是這顆很大的紙樹,上面寫上祝福語,加上燈光柔和,感覺浪漫!
Miss Lee Cafe in Seoul 首爾星星茶坊
There are small photo frames, dolls, and hand writings on the walls, creating a homey atmosphere. 室內的裝飾品都很親切:小小的相架、公仔、木制裝飾架,牆上有手寫字,很隨意。
Miss Lee Cafe in Seoul 首爾星星茶坊
The tables are chairs look more look a classroom. No wonder there are many young customers. 檯椅卻比較像課室,難怪那麼多年輕人。
Miss Lee Cafe in Seoul 首爾星星茶坊
The logo is everywhere: it is hot stamped on table tops, silk screened on cushion covers, and printed on coffee mugs. 到處都可以看到星星茶坊的標誌,每張檯面、每個坐墊和咖啡杯都有,無處不在。
Miss Lee Cafe in Seoul 首爾星星茶坊
The logo is also on the floor of the entrance. 連大門外的地上都不放過。
Miss Lee Cafe in Seoul 首爾星星茶坊
The choice of the menu is limited. I ordered this Byeldabang’s special: Hot Tteok-bokki stir-fried rice cake and a coffee. The sauce of the rice-cake is a gradma’s special recipe. It tastes pretty good. 菜單的選擇不多,我點了這個韓國年糕,是星星茶坊的人氣推介之一,說是婆婆的秘製醬汁,都好味。另外喝了一杯咖啡。
Miss Lee Cafe in Seoul 首爾星星茶坊
Dessert: Byeldabang’s ice flakes in a Korean pot. You can’t go wrong with fruit, ice-cream, nuts and and ice flakes! Obviously, this is something to share. 甜品是星星茶坊的刨冰!單是造型都已經吸引,雪糕、水果、果仁加刨冰,怎可錯過!很大的一鍋,當然要share 喇。

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