



First of all, you will have to purchase the pass online or through travel agents before you arrive in Japan. Once you arrive at Nagoya station, exchange the voucher in the JR Information Center in the main concourse of the station.
首先,在出發之前透過網上或旅行社訂購周遊券。到達名古屋 JR 站後在大堂中央的 JR 案內所換領。
It’s the JR Information Center, not the ticket office nor the Tourist Information Center.
請謹記是 JR 案內所,不是售票處,也不是觀光案內所喔!
Stop 1, visit Gifu city where you can see this ancient cormorant fishing dating back 1,300 years ago.
Believe it or not, this 13-meter tall buddha in Gifu city is made of paper! It is one of the three great buddhas in Japan. Amazing!
Stop 2: visit the lovely little town of Hida Fukukawa, enjoy a leisure walk in the old town and try out the famous Hida beef.
第2站:飛驒古川。看看「你的名字」 動畫的鐵路場景,嚐嚐著名飛驒牛,和在古鎮散散步,渡過美好的一天。
Stop 3: visit the newest Toyama Prefecture Museum of Art which offers a lot more than just modern art. The grand opening will be held on 26 August 2017.
第3站:富山縣最新的美術館。從建築設計、周邊環境、美術品以及屋頂花園都一流。 2017年8月26日才正式開幕喔!
Stop 4: the Takeyama Alpine Route! It covers everything from 475 meters high Tateyama to Murodo at 2,450 meters to the famous Kurobe Dam at 1,470 meters. It’s the highlight of the trip.
第4站:立山黑部!從 475米高的立山開始,乘坐登山巴士到 2,450米高的室堂,再到1,470米高黑部大水霸,是這個旅程的亮點!
Stop 5: Matsumoto. Visit the Matsumoto Castle, a national treasure of Japan. It’s spectacular!
Stop 6: Kiso Fukushima, an off of the beaten path in Japan. A serene place where you can experience the ancient natural beauty and culture of Japan.
Can you do it all in 5 days? Sure you can and that’s what I did. Check out the details of the Alpine-Takayama-Matsumoto Tourist Pass here.

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