


我很喜歡小樽,每次到北海道玩都會到此一遊,原因是小鎮與札幌的距離很近,只有約35分鐘的JR 路程,可以當天來回。這裏最著名的景點包括三角市場、境町通り的小精品店和餐廳、小樽運河及旁邊的倉庫等。淡季來到這裏,可以悠閒逛享受一個下午,吃一個新鮮魚生飯加一個下午茶,逛街、看看手工玻璃作品。


Otaru in Hokkaido 北海道小樽
The Sakaimachi Street is a charming city centre filled with historic buildings that are converted into shops, boutiques, glass worshops and restaurants. It is nice to talk a little walk before you go to the canal. 境町通り是小樽市中心的一些舊建築街道,現在很多都成為商店、哨子館(玻璃工場)和餐廳,很有特色。往運河看雪祭前可以先到這裏走走。
LeTao in Otaru 小樽 LeTao
The beautiful European style building is a famous cafe LeTao’s main branch. Try a famous cake and coffee. They are lovely. 這座歐洲式建築是甜品店LeTao 的本店,以蛋糕著名,加一杯咖啡是完美配搭。現在生意好了,在同一路上開多了一家分店,並提供其他食品。
Otaru in Hokkaido 北海道小樽
What’s great about Otaru is that there are fewer big neon lights advertising billboards. Most of the decorations are candles and lanterns that match the historic buildings. 小樽最可愛之處是沒有那麼多霓虹燈廣告牌。這裏用的裝飾是比較地道的燈籠和蠟燭,很配合這裏的舊建築。
Winter in Otaru, Hokkaido 北海道小樽冬季
Hugging snowmen! Most of the decorations are hand-made by the locals and students, creating a warm and friendly atmosphere every where. 擁抱在一起的雪人!小樽的裝飾都是很多小樽人和學生的小手工創作,少了商業化元素,多了一份溫馨。
Otaku Snow Light Path in canal 小樽運河「雪光之路」
The canal site is the main attraction of the Otaru Snow Light Path. The wavering lights on the water are candles in the glass floats that were the same as those used for herring fish in the old days. 小樽運河是「雪光之路」人氣 No. 1 景點。水上漂浮的點點柔光是以前用來捕魚的浮球,而且都是人手點燈的。
Otaku Snow Light Path at canal site 小樽運河「雪光之路」
Along the promenade are hand-made snow and ice art objects that are all lit by hand. 沿著運河倉庫對岸都是人手堆砌的冰雪「燈」小創作,亮燈也是人手點蠟燭。
Otaku Snow Light Path at canal site 小樽運河「雪光之路」
The creative ideas are very down to earth. These small houses look like a cosy village. 創作主題也很溫馨,這些小屋就像一條寧靜的小村莊。
Otaku Snow Light Path at canal site 小樽運河「雪光之路」
Star light. Star bright. The first star I see tonight… 星光閃閃,是晚上點燈的好主題。
Otaku Snow Light Path at canal site 小樽運河「雪光之路」
Love is the main theme here. 到處都有心形燭光,浪漫氣氛濃厚。
Otaku Snow Light Path at canal site 小樽運河「雪光之路」
The little heart shape snow caves look like loving families. 一個個小小的燭光心形冰洞,晚上看起來像一個個充滿愛的家庭。
Otaku Snow Light Path at canal site 小樽運河「雪光之路」
The hearts and stars have warmed up the freezing canal, attracting many couples for a evening walk.
Otaku Snow Light Path at canal site 小樽運河「雪光之路」
“This” is why the snow festival here lasts till February 14, the St. Valentine’s Day! Plan your next romantic Valentine’s Day here!「這」就是為什麼小樽的雪祭每年都會延到2月14日情人節!下次計劃與愛侶渡過一個浪漫的情人節,要好好考慮到這裏,但謹記要先預訂機票和酒店。

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