



The castle cafe in Toucheng Township of Yilan, Taiwan 宜蘭頭城金車城堡咖啡館
There are quite a number of parking space at the Castle Cafe. However, larger cars (9 seats and above) are not recommended. In fact, the road up to the hill is very steep and windy. Be careful. 城堡咖啡館有不少停車位,但不歡迎9人座以上的車開上來。其實山路太狹窄也不太適宜,自駕遊要小心。
Seaview from the Castle Cafe, Yilan 宜蘭金車城堡咖啡館的景觀
Nice view from the Castle Cafe, facing Pacific Ocean on the east with a lush foreground. 城堡咖啡館環境優美:綠油油的半山可看到一望無際的太平洋。
Coastline towards Yilan. 往宜蘭的海岸線。
You may see the view of the eastern coastline towards Yilan, Taiwan. 從城堡咖啡可以看到往宜蘭方向的海岸線。
The Castle Cafe was established in October 2008. 城堡咖啡館(即百朗咖啡)於2009年10月成立。
The Castle Cafe was established in October 2008. 城堡咖啡館(即百朗咖啡)於2009年10月成立。
Mr. Brown coffee at the Castle Cafe. 金車城堡咖啡館
The Castle Cafe offers Mr. Brown coffee. It is a nice place for a coffee break if you drive from Taipei to Yilan. 金車城堡咖啡館就是百朗咖啡。開車從台北到宜蘭的話,這裏是一個嘆咖啡的中停站。
The castle cafe in Toucheng Township of Yilan, Taiwan 宜蘭頭城金車城堡咖啡館
The Castle Cafe offers a nice outdoor seating areas that is open for public. 到城堡咖啡不一定要喝百朗咖啡,這裏有不少戶外座椅讓遊客休息。



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