

我上次去層雲峽的日子應該是雪祭最冷的一天,原定3.5 小時的巴士車程結果是花了差不多5.5 小時!最終都到了,還好訂了一間有溫泉的酒店,可以好好泡一個暖暖的溫泉。

層雲峽冰瀑祭會場位於北海道最大國家公園內大雪山的溫泉區,佔地一萬平方米的石狩川畔。開放時間是早上9:00至晚上10:00. 晚上亮燈後來參觀最好,入場費每人300日圓。


On the way to Sounkyo 往層雲峽途中
There was a snow storm on my way to Sounkyo. I could only see half of the houses emerged from the snow. 去層雲峽途中遇到大風雪,沿途看到的房子只能看到一半,積雪至少一米高。
On the way to Sounkyo 往層雲峽途中
The driving was so slow that I could take photos easily along the way. 從車廂內容易拍到外面風景,就代表車行得有點慢。
On the way to Sounkyo 往層雲峽途中
This is the rest area after almost three hours drive. Look at the bus and the taxi top to see how thick the snow was.
On the way to Sounkyo 往層雲峽途中
The view is pretty nice when the storm stops. 天灰灰、白矇矇,車程很長,還好雪不是很大時可以看到漂亮的風景。
Sounkyo Ice Waterfall Festival 層雲峽冰瀑祭
The Sounkyo Ice Waterfall is built on a 10,000 square meter site by the Ishikari riverbank.
Sounkyo Ice Waterfall Festival 層雲峽冰瀑祭
The whole venue is built with ice. The reflection of colorful illumination creates a surreal environment. 層雲峽冰瀑祭整個會場都是冰做的,晚上的幻彩燈光加上雪地的反映,站在其中,如置身於夢幻仙境。
Sounkyo Ice Waterfall Festival 層雲峽冰瀑祭
It is an open space by the river. Be careful when walking on the ice and near the edge of the venue. You don’t really know where the edge is. There’s not fence. 會場是一片空曠的雪地,走在冰上要小心滑,走到會場邊沿更要注意,因為沒有圍欄。
Sounkyo Ice Waterfall Festival 層雲峽冰瀑祭
There are many igloos with different ice statue to explore.
sounkyo ice waterfall festival 層雲峽冰瀑祭
Most of the igloos are really amazing inside. They all look like limestone caves with ice stalactites stabbing down from the ceiling. And this one has lots of coins and a donation box in it. Beautiful! 
Sounkyo Ice Waterfall Festival 層雲峽冰瀑祭
The ice status of an owl (bringing fortune). 冰貓頭鷹(福到)。
Kate Wu in Sounkyo Ice Waterfall Festival
Okay. I need some luck and fortune, too. 我也需要一點運氣和財富。
Sounkyo Ice Festival Shrine 層雲峽冰瀑神社
The Sounkyo Ice Waterfall Festival Shrine, blessing every visitor. 冰瀑神社為各位帶來好運!
Fireworks at Sounkyo Ice Waterfall Festival 層雲峽冰瀑祭的煙火表演
The highlight of the event is the firework show at 8:30 every night. It’s very nice! If you want to see the show, you will have to stay over in Sounkyo for a night because unless you drive back.

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