




到順天灣從首爾出發有高速巴士和火車 (KTX) ,但車程要好幾個鐘頭,如果一天來回會很累。最好是中途找一個地方停一個晚上或者在順天灣住一個晚上。從順天灣火車站到濕地公園坐計程車大概只須約15分鐘。

Luncheon Bay wooden path 順天灣步道
Suncheon Bay is the largest reed field in Korea. Depending on how fast you walk, it takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour to walk through the flat wooden path. 順天灣是韓國蘆葦田最大面積的地方,平地步道需要行45分鐘到一個小時左右。
Luncheon Bay is home to many kinds of birds 順天灣是許多鳥類的棲息地
The sandbank from the river and sea deposits have made Suncheon Bay an excellent eco-system for a wide variety of migratory birds, sand-crabs and shellfish. 順天灣的河流砂石和海潮漲退形成的濕地是許多鳥類、沙蟹和貝殼的棲息地。
Reed fields in Suncheon Bay 順天灣的蘆葦田
It’s a big golden field of reeds in autumn. A great time to visit. 秋天是欣賞一大片金黃色蘆葦田的好時候。
Hiking trail of Suncheon Bay 順天灣登山步道
Beautiful sunset if you time it well for a little hike. It takes about half an hour to 45 minutes to get to the view point of the S-shaped meander. The picture is on the trail up to the observatory deck. 如果要看日落,就要計算好時間,緊記登山到展望台須要30至45分鐘。這照片是上山步道途中。

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