

在北海道札幌站想吃些暖暖、價錢合理和簡單的午餐或晚餐?如果不想餐餐是拉麵,可以考慮湯咖哩。有些人說日本的咖哩源於北海道,然後擴至全國。 網上則有資料說咖哩是明治時代(1868-1912)英國人把印度咖哩帶入日本。大家可能還記得日本咖哩都是比較甜的咖哩,一般會有少許牛肉,然後伴飯吃。


Lavi is one of the popular soup curry chain restaurants in Hokkaido. There are 6 branches in Sapporo city, 1 in Asahikawa and 1 in Chitose airport.
Lavi 是北海道受歡迎的湯咖哩餐廳連鎖店之一,札幌市有6間分店,旭川和新千歲空港都有1間分店。
The Lavi Esta branch is conveniently locating the Esta shopping mall next to Sapporo Station. There is a capacity of around 30 customers.
位於札幌站旁邊,Esta 商場的Lavi 店是最方便的分店。 可容納約30位客人。
Vegetable soup curry with a chicken leg is the most popular dish of the restaurant.
雜菜雞腿湯咖喱是人氣no. 1之選。
The no. 1 vegetable soup curry with chicken leg. ¥1,130.
人氣 no. 1 雜菜雞腿湯咖哩飯,¥1,130 一碗。
The mixed vegetable soup curry. There are carrots, sting beans, eggplants, pumpkins, broccoli, okra and half an egg. ¥1,030 per bowl.

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