

想帶小孩去玩雪又不要離開札幌市太遠?札幌雪祭第二大會場Tsudome (圓頂會場)就最適合。這會場以小朋友活動為主,有用雪做的滑梯、一些可以玩的雪雕和堆雪人活動等,很適合親子活動。雖說是親子雪祭場地,大人前來看看拍照也很開心。會場距離札幌站只有10分鐘車程,加徒步15分鐘就到,地方空曠,不會看到高樓大廈,藍天白雲,空氣都特別清新。體育場館內也有小孩子遊樂區,可以休息和飲食。

2016 年 Tsudome 會場的雪祭日期會比札幌市大通公園和薄野會場長,從2月5日至18日止,但每天開放時間從早上9時到下午5時(時間剛好,小朋友要回家了!)。會場地址是札幌市東區榮町885-1(札幌市體育交流設施 COMMUNITY DOME),乘搭札幌地鐵東豐線出榮町站徒步約15分鐘。大通會場和札幌站亦有前往會場的穿梭巴士(單程 200 日圓、每 15 至 30 分鐘一班)。

Tsudome Site 扎幌雪祭Tsudome 會場
The entrance of the Tsudome site are wide open space with sculptures on both sides. 進入會場兩旁一排雪雕,環境很空曠,不會看到高樓大廈。


Tsudome Site 扎幌雪祭Tsudome 會場
The snow sculptures at the venue are cute. Many of them are cartoon characters. 
Tsudome Site 札幌雪祭Tsudome 會場
The open space, white snow sculptures and blue sky make you feel happy walking through the site. 這個會場是札幌雪祭第二大會場,空曠的環境、藍天白雲加上白雪,令人心情開朗。

Tsudome snow festival 扎幌雪祭 Tsudome 會場
The snow slides behind the cartoon character are the main features of Tsudome Site. It’s a great activity for families.
Tsudome snow festival 扎幌雪祭 Tsudome 會場
Some of the snow sculptures are designed for children to play with and take photos.
Little snowmen at Tsudome Site 扎幌雪祭小雪人
These snowmen are the cutest. They are all made by children. Kawaii ne!
Little snowmen at Tsudome Snow Festival 扎幌雪祭小雪人
Does this look like the “find the panda” illustration that people circulate on Facebook? This is an original photo I took a while ago.
Little snowmen at Tsudome snow festival 扎幌雪祭小雪人
The decorations are modernised in recent years, more variety of materials and color.
little snowmen 小雪人
There were a lot of little snowmen made by children the first time I visited. All the eyes and decorations are basic small wooden blocks. In recent years, the decoration materials getting more fancy. But there were fewer snowmen. Do they all prefer staying home and play video games? 第一次來的時候,有很多小朋友親手做的小雪人,使用的裝飾材料比較簡單。近年的材料明顯地比較時尚,但堆雪人卻比較少,難道他們都比較喜歡留在家玩電子遊戲?






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