



The long stretch of gingko trees is the signature look of Sinsa Dong garosu-gil. It turns all yellow in autumn and lush green in spring and summer.
This time, the street is filled with Korean flag side-by-side with other countries. Korea and China are friends. So is with Hong Kong as you see from the featured photo.
There is a mix of local designer shops with international brands on the street.
There are also many side streets and alleys where more shops, restaurants and cafes are hidden.
This bar & restaurant in the alley looks very nice.
Burger. Very American.
These alleys with interesting boutiques and shops look a bit like the Soho area in New York.
這些小路和特色商店有點像美國紐約的 Soho 區。
La Palette is a European style clothing and accessories shop. Its Cup Cake line adopts horse and Buckingham landmark design into its products.
La Palette 是歐洲風格的時裝精品店。其中「紙杯蛋糕」品牌更採用駿馬和英國白金漢宮為主題設計產品。
The shops are very nice. Many of them have their own entire building.
This Jaju is a flagship store, show-casing various home deco, bedding, kids and party goods.
這間 JAJU 是旗艦店,有三層樓陳列各種家居產品。
General items and stationery are on the ground floor.
Bedding section on the upper floor.
Kids section. Clothes and tablewares are made in Korea!
This is the biggest Skin Food shop I’ve seen in Korea.
這間是我在韓國見過最大的Skin Food 店。
There’s decorated color-matching car parked on the side street. Great advertising.
The Line Friends flagship store and cafe is the highlight of Garosu-gil.
林蔭道上的 Line Friends 旗艦店有咖啡室,是大景點!
6 Seconds is a designer clothing and accessories shop.
「6 秒」是本地設計時裝和精品店。
Korean clothing brand SPAO also has its own building. This one is bigger than the one in Myeongdong.
韓國品牌 SPAO 時裝店,這間店比明洞的還要大。
Parsons is fashion store.
Parsons 時裝店。
In addition to fashion stores, dessert and coffee shops are every where, too.
Attaching to a fashion shop, a florist and a beer counter, Pancake Epidemic Seoul has nice patio with outdoor seating.
這家 Pancake Epidemic 咖啡室是連著一間有時裝、花店和啤酒的商店一起的,林蔭道上有不少時裝店都有咖啡室。這裏最好的是有戶外座位。
Youk Shim Won is a local artist studied traditional Korean painting and has developed her own line of accusers and clothing products. There’s also a cafe in the shop.
There are lots of interesting coffee shops in the back street of Sinsa Dong Garosu-gil. This Cafe C27 is the one that I would try next time.
新沙洞林蔭道旁邊的小街充滿驚喜,特色咖啡室很多,這間 C27 造型最吸引,下次一定要試試。

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