


這家第800間分店位於江南高級酒店百貨公司地區及去年才翻新的中轉站商場Famille Station,店內特設「Starbucks Reserve 手沖咖啡」及售賣一些限定版咖啡杯。但這裏顧客很多,全場滿座,買咖啡永遠有一條很長的龍。

假如你不願意專程來這裏看看這個特別的星巴克,Famille Station 也很值得走一走。Famille Station 是連貫地鐵站和高速巴士站的商場,樓高三層,新裝潢是以英國倫敦火車站為設計概念,採用了紅磚、大柱、拱形樓頂和配置了一個英國大笨鐘在大堂。第一層以飲食為主,有約30間酒吧餐廳,提供各類餐飲小吃,從糖果、韓國buffet、扒房、法國餐廳都有,而且餐廳的裝潢都很時尚。下次你來首爾找潮地方吃飯,到這裏走走。第二層有中央休息區、美容店、髮型屋、兒童餐廳及其他商店。星巴克在第三層。


Starbuck logo in Famille Station 韓國第800間星巴克
If you walk in from the ground level, this impressive logo is right in the centre of the dome. What’s great about the logo is that it’s not green. The color blends in well with the overall interior of the station. 從地面正門入星巴克就馬上看到一個很漂亮的大招牌在拱型玻璃頂的中間。而且,最好的是它不是綠色的,和整個站的室內環境很配合。
Starbuck in Famille Station 韓國第800間星巴克
The beautiful high ceiling, large pillars and the urban forest look with wood furnishing of Starbucks make it feels modern, spacious and cozy. 漂亮的高樓底、大柱和現代森林的裝潢給人一種時尚而舒適的空間感。
Starbuck logo in Famille Station 韓國第800間星巴克
However, it is really crowded. I heard from a local friend who lives in the neighborhood that she could never find a seat. 地方不少,但顧客太多,有一位當地住在附近的朋友說她從來找不到位子。
Starbuck logo in Famille Station 韓國第800間星巴克
There is a wide variety of coffee mugs in this signature store. Some are exclusive here. 這裏的咖啡杯款式比較多,也有特別版,在其他地方是找不到的。
Starbuck logo in Famille Station 韓國第800間星巴克
The 16th anniversary mug (2015) which I only saw in this store. 這款16週年的杯我只在這裏看過。
Starbuck logo in Famille Station 韓國第800間星巴克
Christmas charm. Simple but cute. 聖誕節特別吊飾,簡單可愛。
Famille Station in Seoul
The Famille Station is opened to public end of 2014. Famille Station 於2014年底開始營運。
首爾 Famille Station. Famille Station in Seoul.
The design concept is based on the classic train station in the UK. 設計概念來自英國傳統火車站的建築。
Famille Station in Seoul
Level 1 is mainly designated for food and beverage. But there are also convenient store, flower shop, pet shop and facial/spa outlets. 一樓主要是飲食區,但也有其他商店,包括便利店、美容店、花店及寵物店等。
Gourmet food at Famille Station in Seoul
There are some 26 food and beverage stores in Famille Station, featuring organic, fresh ingredients and authenticity. Also making the alley the hippest place for gourmet food in Korea. 這裏有26家飲食餐廳,各具特色,大多以有機、新鮮材料和原味招徠客人,讓Famille Station 成為首爾最潮的飲食區。
Famille Station in Seoul
Level 2 features a Central Lounge, kids cafe and some hair salons, beauty parlors, nail and other stores. 二樓有中央休息、小朋友餐廳、髮廊、美甲店和美容服務等商店。

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