

來到北海道雪祭,第一站當然是大通會場!因為最方便,在札幌市中心,札幌JR站走路10分鐘就到。日本北海道札幌市自1950開始每年冬季都舉辦雪祭,場地有三個,包括大通公園、在市中心的大通公園、薄野會場和 Tsudome 會場。



Snow Festival in Odori Park, Sapporo, Japan 日本北海道扎幌大通公園雪祭
The snow festival features about 12 large blocks of snow sculptures in the centre that are the main attraction in the park. 每年,大通公園都有約十二個大型的雪雕在中間,每座都有主題。
Sapporo snow festival in Odori Park 日本北海道扎幌大通公園雪祭
One Piece, the Japanese manga series has been a popular set in the past few years. 過去幾年,日本流行漫畫系列 One Piece 都一直是受歡迎的雪雕主題。
Sapporo snow festival in Odori Park 日本北海道扎幌市大通公園雪祭
Worldwide collaboration to protect the earth. 保護地球為主題的大型雪雕。
I believe this theme is the world collaboration to protect the earth. 相信是全世界保護地球主題的雪雕。
In addition to the dozen large snow sculptures, there are over a hundred of smaller ice and snow sculptures. 除了十多座大型雪雕,大通公園每年都有百多件大大小小雪雕、冰雕作品。
I believe this theme is the world collaboration to protect the earth. 相信是全世界保護地球主題的雪雕。
Many of the snow sculptures are cartoon characters, attracting the whole families including young children to visit. 很多雪雕的主題都是卡通人物,吸引一家大小前來欣賞和拍照。
I believe this theme is the world collaboration to protect the earth. 相信是全世界保護地球主題的雪雕。
A cute big bear. 一隻可愛的大熊。
I believe this theme is the world collaboration to protect the earth. 相信是全世界保護地球主題的雪雕。
The Anpanman is a popular character for children. 麵包超人是小朋友的至愛。
An International Snow Sculpture Contest
During the snow festival, there is an International Snow Sculpture Contest held in Odori Park every year. Hong Kong Team was named the champion in 2012. This dancing dragon is the winning snow sculpture. 每年的扎幌雪祭都同時進行國際雪雕比賽,香港冰雕隊於2012年獲得冠軍,這座龍的主題是得獎作品。
An International Snow Sculpture Contest
Other than snow sculptures, there are also some ice sculptures in the venue. 除了雪雕,場內也有冰雕作品。
An International Snow Sculpture Contest
Ice sculptures are usually more delicate. 冰雕和雪雕有不同的看法,造型可以較細致。
An International Snow Sculpture Contest
Sharp edges are possible on ice sculptures. 冰雕可以有較尖銳的造型。
An International Snow Sculpture Contest
Be prepared for a few hours walk through the park. If you are hungry or thirsty, there are many food stalls in the park that offers a wide variety of food and drinks. This stall sells crabs and wine! Very festive. 大通公園很大,可以行好幾個小時,慢慢看和拍照。如果肚餓,到處都有小吃、飲料賣。吃、喝、玩、樂都有,節日氣氛濃厚。這家就有北海道的蟹和紅酒賣!
An International Snow Sculpture Contest
There are also all kinds of cute snacks that you would try even though you may not be hungry. 還有很多可愛的小吃,你不餓也會買來吃的東西。
Sapporo Winter Festival in Odori Park 北海道扎幌大通公園雪祭
The snow festival is open to public all day till 10pm every day. The sculptures look very different at night with the lighting. 雪祭每天開放到晚上十點(亮燈時間),晚上看和白天很不一樣。
Sapporo Winter Festival in Odori Park 北海道扎幌大通公園雪祭
The scop sculptures look very nice at night because you won’t see the urban backdrop. 由於晚上週邊的高樓大廈不會看得很清楚,加上燈光效果,令雪雕很突出。
Sapporo Winter Festival in Odori Park 北海道扎幌大通公園雪祭
Ice sculptures are even more interesting. Colorful lighting from the inside. 晚上看冰雕是最好看的,色彩繽紛,燈光從冰雕內發光,透明的冰雕像冰燈。
Sapporo Winter Festival in Odori Park 北海道扎幌大通公園雪祭
This one is a musical ice sculpture which only performs at night. 這座是燈光配合音樂而轉顏色的冰雕,白天是沒有效果的。
Sapporo Winter Festival in Odori Park 北海道扎幌大通公園雪祭
This snow slide is built for some performance. 這座斜坡是表演場地。
Sapporo Winter Festival in Odori Park 北海道扎幌大通公園雪祭
Romantic lighting decorations for visitors to take photos. Lovely! 還有一些讓情侶拍照的裝飾。很浪漫!

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