

「四國遍路」1,200 公里長88箇所幾百年至過千年都是真言宗朝聖路,近年更是四國旅遊的主題之一,有些只是為了挑戰自己,或從艱苦路上想通人生意義、洗滌心靈的人很多。

四國遍路上88所寺廟都是和弘法大師(海空)有淵源的寺廟。西元 804年,海空到中國的長安(現在的西安)向印度密宗傳人惠果學習密宗的奧義,回國後於 816年在高野山開設第一間寺院「金剛峰寺」,創立真言宗。金剛峰寺是世界遺產的參拜道的一部分。當時的日本天王賞識空海,並把位於京都東寺送交由也由他管理,在東寺舉行各官方儀式。

空海 (弘法大師) 出生於日本的讚岐,即現在的香川縣。年輕的弘法大師曾到四國四處的山林、海邊、岩洞修行。有傳說他在四國的高知縣室戶岬頓悟,從洞內看到外面的天空和海,於是取名「空海」。


Ryozenji Temple 竺和山 靈山寺
Locating in the northeast of Shikoku and close to Kyoto, Ryozenji temple was the first in no. of the 88 temples in Shikoko. That’s where most of the pilgrims start their 1,200 kilometers journey.
Ryozenji Temple 靈山寺
The first statue on the left after the wooden gate stood the Goddess of Mercy. To make a wish for better romance, business, health, and harmonies, you may simply get a bucket to splash water onto the statue.
Ryozenji Temple 靈山寺
There is a fish pond in the middle. Visitors would toss coins to the little buddha statues in the middle of the pond to try their luck.
Ryozenji Temple 靈山寺
Master’s Hall is designated for Kukai who was also called Kōbō-Daishi (弘法大師 Great Master of the Propagation of Dharma).
Ryozenji Temple 靈山寺
The main hall features a solemn ceiling with rows of lanterns and a golden dragon painting.
O-henro-san お遍路さん
Before you start your journey, you have to become a Pilgrims, known as o-henro-san (お遍路さん). The proper dress code is to wear a white jacket, a conical straw hat and a walking stick. Also carry a bag saying “2 people together” because the Master is always with you. You are not alone. You may buy all these supplies at the general office at the temple here.
Ryozenji Temple 靈山寺
Address: 126 Higashitsukahana, Bando, Oasa-cho, Naruto-shi
Tel: 088-689-1111
Access: About 10 minutes walk from JR Bando Station in Tokushima
交通:德島JR 板東站徒步約10分鐘

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