


日本品牌的咖啡真的不錯,近年有很多外國品牌進駐,而且大受歡迎。Sarabeth’s 就是其中一個成功個案。Sarabeth’s 來自美國紐約曼克頓,創辦人是Sarabeth,她做的果醬是得獎作品,於1981年開始與丈夫和商業夥伴開辦第一個生意,至今擁有一個果醬工場、一個零售和批發的咖啡生意,和9間餐廳。Sarabeth’s 被一個市場調查中被譽為「紐約第一甜品餐廳」及被紐約雜誌讚賞為「紐約早餐女皇」。在日本大阪站、東京、新宿、品川都有分店。

I first saw a picture of an eggs benedict in Lucua 1100 shopping mall at Osaka JR station. Then I walked by the restaurant again in Shinagawa, Tokyo. The open bakery kitchen makes it look like they are serious about creating fresh bakery. Looks good. I would give it a try one morning.
我第一次看到 Sarabeth’s 的廣告是一份 Eggs Benedict 的照片。然後再在東京品川看到餐廳,做麵包的廚房使用透明玻璃,讓顧客可以看到新鮮麵包的製作過程,很吸引,找一天過來試試。
Sunday brunch! I woke up late, skipped the hotel breakfast that serves till 9:30am only, then I came to the restaurant. There was a queue.
The interior decoration of the restaurant is comfortable with lights coming through the window. The furnitures are more conservative western feel.
I came here for eggs benedict, one of my favorite breakfasts!
我是為了班尼迪蛋而來的,egg benedict 是我最喜歡的早餐之一。
The class eggs benedict is one of the popular brunch menus: two round shape poached eggs topped with smoked ham, homemade Hollandaise sauce, paprika and chive. The muffin base is not English muffin though. American style may be? All food and drinks are a la carte. Price: ¥1,450.
經典班尼迪蛋是Sarabeth’s 的人氣早午餐:完美圓形的水煮嫩蛋上面有一片煙火腿、自家製荷蘭醬、甜辣椒和細香蔥。鬆餅底不是英國鬆餅,是美式糕點?餐廳沒有套餐,全部都是單點。單價¥1,450。
Cafe latte comes with a heart. Cappuccino has no specific pattern on it. They are ¥520 each. The coffee here was just okay.

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