

在名古屋,有很多地方都有展望台可以俯瞰城市全景,每個地方的景觀都有點不一樣。我這次選擇了在名古屋站對面的 Midland Square 45樓展望台看夜景,真的沒有選錯。首先,地點超方便,就在名古屋JR站對面。想不到的一棟時尚商業大廈上面居然有兩層全落地玻璃幕牆的半開放式觀景樓層,差不多可以360度看名古屋。半開放式是有頂,不怕風吹雨打,但有生風,部份樓頂有氣窗,又有座椅,而且人不多,觀景環境舒適乾淨。看完風景後,附近餐廳、商場、居酒屋林立。晚飯、宵夜完全沒有問題!

地址:〒450-0002 名古屋市中村区名駅四丁目7番1号

Panoramic view at observation deck of Midland Square, Nagoya
Just walk into the Midland Square and look for the escalator to the observation deck on 45/F. There are a couple of dedicated elevator. There are customer service pointing you to go up an escalator to this surreal LED tunnel which creates a great atmosphere if you come over at night.
走進 Midland Square 後有特別的電梯到展望台,出電梯後有職員指示再乘扶手電梯上,然後你會到達這條 LED 隧道。如果你是晚上看夜景,來到這裏的氣氛都已經很好。
Panoramic view at observation deck of Midland Square, Nagoya
The ticketing machine is at the end of the tunnel. There is usually a customer service there to help.
Panoramic view at observation deck of Midland Square, Nagoya
The 45/F is the upper floor of the two floors of structural glass-facades. The best timing is to come right before sunset. Then you will see this beautiful golden shades of light in blue sky. It’s beautiful!
到達 45樓,就會看到開揚大景,是兩層大樓打通的落地玻璃。最佳時間是黃昏前到達,天氣好會看到藍天加金黃色的日落景色。
Panoramic view at observation deck of Midland Square, Nagoya
The sunset side of the building, is unfortunately blocked by two other tall buildings across the street.
Panoramic view at observation deck of Midland Square, Nagoya
There are steel structures and fence but the upper floor still offers a great panoramic view of the city.
Panoramic view at observation deck of Midland Square, Nagoya
This is the best time of a evening shot, with beautiful color in the sky and the city started to lit up.
Panoramic view at observation deck of Midland Square, Nagoya
You may walk around the Midland Square to take pictures from different angle.
Panoramic view at observation deck of Midland Square, Nagoya
There is a stairwells to walk down to the lower floor where there was a cafe before. Now it’s just a big empty space.
Panoramic view at observation deck of Midland Square, Nagoya
There are benches where you can relax and look at the view.
Panoramic view at observation deck of Midland Square, Nagoya
It’s a semi-open air observation deck. So it’s pretty cold in the winter.
Panoramic view of Nagoya from Midland Square
If you have a superzoom, you can get a close up shot of Nagoya Castle at night.











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