
100% 日本麵粉製造的班戟


過去很多年,每次到北海道玩都會到札幌站 Stella Place一間鬆餅甜品咖啡館吃一個紅豆綠茶 waffle,10月份去居然已經消失。但立即在同一個商場找到另外一間更大規模、更新和選擇更多的班戟咖啡館。

JS pancake cafe is an attractive restaurant in the middle of the shopping floors, not the restaurant floor. It is always busy with many customers every time I walked by.
PS Pancafe Cafe 位於札幌站 Stella Place 商場的購物層中間(不是餐廳層),整間餐廳設計都很吸引,走過幾次都人氣甚旺。
The main entrance is in the middle, displaying fancy sweet pancakes which I thought it was just for dessert and coffee.
Then I looked at the menu and found that there are “meal pancake” choices. Perfect! I wanted to have a brunch.
I chose a chicken and sausage pancake set with coffee. The pancake was made with 100% Japanese flour. Authentic Japanese pancake. Nice!
The food was good. Most of the customers were local Japanese which is a good sign.
The pancake set with coffee costs ¥1,100. I like the “Thanks” smiley face on the bill.

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