




Lake 88 in Olympic Park of Seoul 首爾奧林匹克公園的88湖
The Lake 88 is right by the Olymic Indoor Swimming Pool. 88 湖就在奧林匹克室內泳池旁。
By the lakeside sits the Itinerary to the Void sculpture created by Tanaka Shintaroh of Japan. 湖畔座落一個由日本藝術家田中晉太郎創作的“直至無限的旅程”雕塑。
The grass areas in Olympic Park of Seoul. 首爾奧林匹克公園內的草地
There are many grass areas in the park. It’s all green in the summer. 園內有很多大草地,夏天是一大片綠油油的草地。
The Inner Castle of the Fortress in Olympic Park, Seoul. 首爾奧林匹克公園土城內城。
This is the Inner Castle of the Fortress which is a vast expanse of a picturesque green field. This area is called “one tree hill”, a famous filming location for TV commercials and movies. 這裏是夢村土城內的廣闊草坪,被稱為“一樹山丘”,以拍攝廣告和電影而聞名。
Sculptures in Olympic Park of Seoul 首爾奧林匹克公園的雕塑
There are 204 pieces of artwork at the Olympic Park. This is “Dialogue” created by Mohan Amara from Algeria. 奧林匹克公園內有204件雕塑,這座是阿爾及利亞藝術家阿瑪拉的「對話」作品。
Ginkgos in the Olympic Park of Seoul 首爾奧林匹克公園銀杏樹葉和果實
There are many ginkgo trees in the park. 公園內有很多銀杏樹。
The Olympic Park in Seoul, Korea 韓國首爾奧林匹克公園
The Olympic Park is a green island in downtown. 這奧林匹克公園是市中心的綠島。

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