

奧志賀高原酒店有三間餐廳:日本餐廳、法國餐廳和一個運動吧。日本餐廳和法國餐廳提供套餐美食。運動吧中午和晚餐都提供比較簡單的餐飲,如拉麵、飯糰,晚上有些串燒。此外,酒店一樓是酒吧休息室 (Bar Lounge),讓你可以很舒服地嘆咖啡,晚上還可以圍著火爐喝酒聊天。如果晚上有表演都會在這裏舉行。而滑雪最佳配套溫泉,在酒店的地下一層,有開揚的景觀。
Okushiga Kogen Hotel 奧志賀高原酒店
This is the reception of Okushiga Kogen Hotel. If you take a bus to Okushiga Kogen, the Hotel is the last stop. You won’t miss it. Of course parking is right outside if you drive. 
Okushiga Kogen Hotel 奧志賀高原酒店
The view of Okushiga Kogen Hotel outside the bar lounge. The design of the main building was inspired by the traditional Gassho house in Shiwaka-go. It looks very unique!
Okushiga Kogen Hotel 奧志賀高原酒店
One of the activities at Okushiga Kogen Hotel is the horse sled ride. Your horse sled will also be right outside the hotel too, no need to travel. It’s a great activity for families with children.
Okushiga Kogen Hotel 奧志賀高原酒店
The ski lift is right outside the hotel lounge. You don’t need to carry your skis and walk on your ski boots for long. Besides, the hotel is located at the highest point of Shiga Kogen ski area, so you can get on the first lift up the mountain!
滑雪登山吊車就在酒吧休息室門外,名符其實的 ski-in ski-out,不用拿著雪橇穿著雪靴行,方便指數最高。此外,奧志賀高原酒店位於志賀高原滑雪地區的最高點,可以早上最快到達山頂滑下來。
Okushiga Kogen Hotel 奧志賀高原酒店
There are single rooms, twin rooms, triple rooms and suites. Choices of the room size are also available to suit your needs. Rooms are nice and clean.
Okushiga Kogen Hotel 奧志賀高原酒店
The good thing about skiing in Japan is that you can take a hot bath after skiing or snowboarding. There is a public hot bath (men and women separate) in the hotel, offering open view while you enjoy the onsen.
Okushiga Kogen Hotel 奧志賀高原酒店
There are three restaurants in Okushiga Kogen Hotel. This is the main restaurant where breakfast and French dinner are served.
Okushiga Kogen Hotel 奧志賀高原酒店
The Japanese restaurant in Okushiga Kogen Hotel. Reservation for dinner in the Japanese restaurant and French restaurant are required, especially at the weekends or busy days.
Okushiga Kogen Hotel 奧志賀高原酒店
The sports bar in a separate building of the Hotel. It offers casual dining for lunch and dinner.
此外,在奧志賀高原酒店斜對面有另一棟建築,有運動吧 (Sports bar),提供簡餐,晚上是居酒屋形式,有串燒。
Okushiga Kogen Hotel 奧志賀高原酒店
There are different ways to get to the hotel: JR from Tokyo to Nagano then take a chartered taxi or bus. Or simply take a chartered taxi to go directly from the airport to the hotel. It takes about 4.5 hours from Narita airport.
Okushiga Kogen Hotel
Address: 381 – 0405 Okushiga Kogen, Yamanouchi-machi, Shimotakai-gun, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
Tel 0269-34-2034
酒店的交通:從東京可以乘坐新幹線到長野,再轉巴士或的士,有預約的士比較平宜。有6個人左右,可以考慮直接從東京機場包車到酒店,車程約 4.5 小時。
地址:〒381-0405 長野県下高井郡山ノ内町奥志賀高原

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