




Bomun Lake in Gyeongju 慶州普門湖
There are many cherry trees around the Bomun Lake. 沿著普門湖到處都是櫻花樹。
Lakeside of Bomun Lake in Gyeongju 慶州普門湖畔
The sun starts to go down after 4pm during autumn. 踏入秋天,大約下午四點多太陽便開始下山。
Bomun Lake 普門湖
Bomun Lake is a large artificial lake with walking-paths, bridges and other facilities for tourists. 普門湖是一個很大的人工湖,有步道、木橋及其他為遊客設施。
Ducks in Bomun Lake of Gyeongju 慶州普門湖
There are always nice things around. You just have to look. 只要細心觀察,身邊有很多美好的東西。
Sunset at Bomun Lake. 普門湖日落。
Sunset at Bomun Lake. 普門湖日落。
Coffee shop in Bomun Lake area 普門湖區的咖啡店
I had an afternoon tea in this interesting coffee shop. It’s actually a coffee shop chain in Korea called Twosome Place. 下午茶就在附近古建築外型的咖啡店。Twosome Place 是韓國連鎖店。
Inside Twosome Place
It is a normal coffee shop inside. 室內就是一般的咖啡室。
Anapji pond in Gyeongju of South Korea 韓國慶州雁鴨池
After watching the sunset at Bomun Lake, you may take a bus back to downtown area right outside Twosome Place. The bus stops right in front of Anapji pond. 看完日落,可以在咖啡店門口乘坐巴士到市中心,到雁鴨池下車。
Gyeongju of South Korea 韓國慶州雁鴨池
If you visit Gyeongju, Anapji is a not-to-be-missed destination. 來到慶州,不要錯過雁鴨池的夜景。

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