


2.3 公里路的終點是通往其他地方的起點:你可以選擇坐纜車登山,從高處觀景台欣賞內藏山大環境(費用不包括在公園入場費);直走可到達內藏寺;還有其他登山步道。通常遊客只會坐纜車登山或入內藏寺,因為大部份都是從首爾當天來回的,單程要花上三個小時,太陽大概下午五點鐘左右開始收。



The weather is getting warmer and warmer each year. The national park is still half green in the first week of November. 天氣越來越暖,今年十一月初內藏山公園還是一半綠色的。
Picnic in Naejangsan 內臟山野餐
Many people picnic in the park. For the tourists, it is recommended that you bring your own lunch or have one before your hike because you will be spending hours there. 內臟山有許多人野餐。我也建議遊客入國家公園前先吃午餐,或帶三明治入公園。公園內很大,你會花好幾個小時才會離開。
Crowded in Naejangsan 內臟山人流太多
This is the first year I have seen the tree and grass areas were barricaded. Too crowded. 今年是我看到第一次大部份草地及楓葉樹被攔起來。實在是太多人了!
The lake in Naejangsan 內臟山的湖
The lake with a blue pavilion is where you can take a cable car up to the higher view point and where the shuttle buses stop. 這個湖中有一個藍色的湖心亭是穿梭巴士的終點,你可以選擇坐纜車到山上的展望台。
Naejang temple 內藏寺
The big ginkgo tree is one hot photo spot in Naejang Temple. It’s pretty when the tree turns all yellow and the leaves cover the ground. 這棵銀杏樹時內藏寺內的大景點。當整棵樹變黃,銀杏葉滿地時最美。
Naejang temple 內藏寺
The colors! Too bad this wooden pavilion is now barricaded in Naejang temple. 內藏寺的木亭是取景的地方,可惜現在都不能上去了!

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