



當你一直往山崗上走時,可以看到首爾市、漢江及遠山,風景漂亮,但沿途卻沒有紫芒草。要到達山上最高點,就可以看到幾乎一望無際的金黃色紫芒,走在其中像行迷宮一樣。 然後有一個碗型的展望台,是天空公園最高點,可以鳥瞰整片紫芒田全景。


Path to Sky Park in Seoul 往首爾天空公園的路徑
The Haneul “Sky” Park is at least 30 minutes away on foot from the World Cup Stadium subway station. You have to cross a main road, walk pass a parking lot, then you will see this beautiful path that leads you to the Sky Park. 天空公園距離世界盃地鐵站至少30分鐘路程(徒步),要過大馬路,經過停車場,看到這條步道就是直上天空公園的路徑。
Wooden bridge at Sky Park 往天空公園的木橋
At the end of this beautiful wooden bridge, you will see the zig-zag wooden staircases that go up the Sky Park. 走過這條漂亮的木橋後,眼前就是一條 Z 型的木樓梯上天空公園。
Breathtaking views from Sky Park in Seoul 首爾天空公園景觀壯麗
To walk up to the Sky Park, you will have to climb nearly 300 steps. Good that there are good views on the way. 上天空公園要爬接近300級樓梯!還好沿途上樓梯可以邊行邊看風景。
The World Cup Stadium in Seoul 首爾世界盃競技場
As you walk up the stairs, you may see he World Cup Stadium in Seoul 從樓梯沿路走,可以看到首爾世界盃競技場
Eulalia field at Sky Park in Seoul 首爾天空公園的紫芒草
On top of the green hill is a large field of eulalia plant. 山崗上是一大片紫芒草。
Eulalia field in Sky Park of Seoul 首爾天空公園的紫芒草
Every year, the Seoul Eulalia Festival is held in October when the plant is in bloom. 每年的十月份是紫芒草最美的時候,首爾紫芒節就在這裏舉行,公園會開放至晚上。
Eulalia field by Hangang River. 漢江邊的紫芒草
The Hangang River is the best spot to see sunset. 漢江邊是欣賞日落最美的地方。
Sunset at Sky Park, Seoul
This is the best sunset I saw in this trip. 這是我今次韓國之旅看到最美的日落。
Eulalia in sunset. 日落中的紫芒
Eulalia in sunset. 日落中的紫芒



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