

熊野本宮大社是熊野三山的3大神社之一,亦是世界遺產「紀伊山地靈場與參詣道」的一部份,是日本全國3,000 多間熊野神社的總社。熊野古道每條朝聖之旅都會最終來到這裡。自奈良時代(710-794)開始,熊野一直是日本的神聖地方,各歷代天皇、貴族及信眾絡繹不絕,千山萬水,從300公里外的京都來到熊野三山朝聖。而古代朝聖必會到所有大社參拜:速玉大社可以「清洗前世的罪孽」,那智大社可以「結今世的緣」,而本宮大社則可以「為來世修福」,是一生人必要到的神社。


電話:+81 735-42-0009

交通:如果不是自駕,最短的巴士路程是從 JR新宮站前,乘搭熊野交通或奈良交通巴士,最快車程約1小時20分。但每天巴士的班次很少。玩熊野三山有很多其他巴士路線來回各大景點,請點擊查看詳細巴士路線及時間表

Kumano Hongu Grand Shrine 熊野本宮大社
Kumano Hongu Grand Shrine is on top of a long flight of 158 stone steps, avoiding any floods.
Kumano Hongu Taisha Grand Shrine 熊野本宮大社
A Hiden is on the left when you reach the top of the steps. Hiden is a place where the priest pray to the god for the worshippers. There are two stone crafted Yatagarasu (three-legged crow) on either side which symbolizes the eternal harmony among god, nature and mankind.
Kumano Hongu Taisha Grand Shrine 熊野本宮大社
Passing through this amazing Shinmon, you will enter the main hall (Honden).
Kumano Hongu Taisha Grand Shrine 熊野本宮大社
Kumano Hongu Grand Shrine is a great example of Japanese shrine architecture, using unfinished natural material to blend into the natural environment and the roofs are made of Japanese cypress bark. It is a quaint and tranquil shrine.
Kumano Hongu Taisha Grand Shrine 熊野本宮大社
There is a Jyuhosho outside the main shrine where you can get amulets and Ema (prayer wooden plagues). In fact, this building would be the first one you see after you finished the stone steps.
Yatagarasu post box 八咫烏郵筒
The Yatagarasu post box is the most interesting thing in this shrine. You may send a postcard in the special post box here or buy one home. Why Yatagarasu? It was believed to the messenger from god that led the first Emperor of Japan win his battle!
Kumano Hongu Taisha 熊野本宮大社
After you visit and go back down, there is a coffee shop and some souvenir shops at the bottom right hand side. “Take a coffee. Have a nice day!” on the banner. Sure!
Kumano Hongu Taisha 熊野本宮大社
There’s no better thing than having a cup of nice warm coffee after hiking 300 steps (round trip) in the morning.
Kumano Hongu Taisha 熊野本宮大社
The coffee is Kumano blend. Pretty Good.

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