Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email LinkedIn Tshechu 意思是“第十日”,是一個不丹在不同地區的其中一個月第10日(不丹日曆)舉行的佛教祭典,一年一次。每個地方舉辦的月份日期不同。每年的春天和秋天都是去不丹旅遊的好月份,除了天朗氣清、藍天白雲外,還有許多祭典可以參加,令你的快樂旅程更精采! Jakar literally means “white bird”, named after a myth of a white bird searching for an auspicious location for a monastery in 1549.賈卡(宗)堡是不丹中部布姆唐的城堡, Jakar 是『白鳥』的意思,根據當地的傳說,有一隻白鳥於約1549年在這裏盤旋尋找一個興建寺院的福地,城堡因而命名。 Similar to other fortresses, you have to walk through some buildings to reach the courtyard. You can’t really tell the space inside each fortress because the central courtyards and other buildings are shield by the spectacular white walls of the building.跟其他城堡差不多,賈卡堡的中庭要經過一些建築物才可以到達。不丹的宗堡(城堡)都相當宏偉,在外面根本無法估計這個城堡內有多大。 The festival is a major event of the year, attracting many local Bhutanese as well as tourists travelling from all over the world to attend.不丹的祭典相當重要,每年都吸引很多當地居民及海外遊客前來參觀。 It is a 3-4 days festival held at Jakar Dzong in early November every year. There are different sessions of mask dance throughout the festival.這個“十日節”是一個3-4天的祭典,每年11月初在布姆唐的賈卡宗堡舉行,每天都有不同的面具舞表演。 Different masks and costumes means different characters.不同的面具和服裝代表不同人物。 They basically dance in the middle of the courtyard while the audience can sit around the courtyard to watch the performance.基本上整個表演都是在中庭的中央,觀眾就在旁邊看。 Since it is a 3 to 4 day festival and there are performances all day long, people are free to come and go. Most of the tourists will come and watch for a few hours then go somewhere else.由於這是連續三至四天的節日,每天都是一整天的表演,觀眾們可以自由出入,一般遊客只會看一個上午或下午,然後到其他景點參觀。 For those who love photography, the festival offer a great opportunity to take photos of the sacred mask dance as well as the local people.假如喜歡拍照,這個節日就相當吸引,可以近距離拍攝到不丹佛教儀式和人像。 Bhutanese are nice. This clown character is the social guy who walk around to keep the audience entertained.這個『小丑』造型是祭典中的搞笑人物,他在場內走來走去,與觀眾玩。 不丹不丹旅遊不丹節日 Related Posts 8D7N 不丹深度遊 19 2 月, 2020 7日6夜不丹精華遊 15 2 月, 2020 8日7夜不丹杜鵑花節之旅 2 2 月, 2020 Comments are closed.
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