

伊勢神宮是由 125 座神社組成的神宮,以外宮和內宮為主,外宮(豊受大神宮)供奉供奉豊受大御神,而內宮(皇大神宮)則供奉天照大御神,其他是附屬神殿,總面積達 5,500 公頃,佔伊勢市的 1/5 土地。 所有神殿建築物每20年就重建一次,並舉行遷宮儀式。

伊勢神宮的內宮是日本最受尊崇的神社,所供奉的主神「天照大御神」受歷代天皇供奉,據說 2,000 多年前天皇的女兒得到啟示,將「天照大御神」移駕至伊勢。「天照大御神」一直以來被認為是一位守護日本的神靈,備受尊崇。


Ise city station 伊勢市站
The Ise Grand Shrine trip begins at Ise City Station.
乘坐 JR 至伊勢市站,即可展開伊勢神宮朝聖之旅。
Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮
There is a bus stop in front of the station. If you are using the 5-day Ise-Kumano-Wakaya JR Pass, you may take JR from Nagoya to Ise City and use the Pass for this bus ride. It’s very convenient!
站前就有接駁巴士直達伊勢神宮的內宮,如使用 5天伊勢-熊野-和歌山 JR 周遊券,除了名古屋至伊勢市的火車,這接駁巴士都可以免費上落,非常方便。
Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮
Ise Jingu Inner Shrine is dedicated to Amaterasu Omikami, the sun goddess. At the right time and season, you may see the sunrise from the main gate on the other end. It’s not the exact angle, but I am glad to capture this sun light at the entrance of Ise Grand Shrine.
Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮
The Uji Bridge is a 100-meter long traditional Japanese wooden bridge connecting to the Inner Shrine.
Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮
This Isuzu River is a separation of sacred realm from the earth.
Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮
This is the other end of the Uji Bridge where you may see the sun rise in the center at the right time.
Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮
The Inner Shrine is a tranquil place, offering nice walk through the wood.
Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮
There are two more Toriis under which the pilgrims walk towards the main sanctuary.
Ise Jingu 伊勢神社
Before reaching the main sanctuary, pilgrims can make personal wish in Kaguraden by offering kagura (ceremonial music and dance).
Ise Grand Shrine 伊勢神宮
Pilgrims may buy Amulets (charms) of the shrine here. There are several different charms for health, work and luck.
Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮
These gigantic cypress trees are the “power spots” that give special energy from the nature to the visitors.
神宮內有很多巨大柏樹,被認為是能量景點 (Power Spots),給予參拜者特殊能量。
Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮
This is the most venerable shrine in Japan. Many people believe strongly in the special power of this shrine and come to make a wish and get blessed.
Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮
In fact, the whole Ise Jingu is considered a power spot, people walk by the gigantic trees would touch them to gain power. Look at the bottom of this huge tree trunk then you will see how many people touched it to make the surface smooth.
Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮
This Mishine-no-Mikura is an auxiliary shrine for the storage of harvested rice for offering.
Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮
The structure of this shrine is the same as the main sanctuary. The whole shrine is built without a single nail and meant to stand for 20 years. This is a very intelligent architecture design leveraging on gravity and the weight of the wood to hold the building in the old days. The gaps (circled in red) between joints are indication of the time pass. The gaps will close in 20 years so that people know when to build a new one. Very smart!
Ise Grand Shrine 伊勢神宮
The outer treasury shrine.
Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮
Visiting this most sacred shrine in Japan, I am not going to miss the chance of capturing this special moment in the middle of the power spot.

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