

經常聽到南山的夜景很漂亮,雖然去過首爾很多次,南山白天也去過,有時候是時間不能配合,沒有看夜景,這次是第一次從南山一次過看日落及夜景。N Seoul Tower 只有236米高,是香港太平山高度的一半,但已是首爾最高地標,沒想到可以看到的首爾市夜景是那麼漂亮!

N Tower 的”N”是代表 New,新的意思,是南山在一個花費150億韓元更新面貌時取的名字。這裏有不同的餐廳都以”N”命字:N Grill(法式燒烤), N Burger(漢堡), N Terrace(花園), N Sweet Bar(酒吧),提供各種美食,從簡單的漢堡飽至米芝蓮廚師主理的高級餐廳都有,在享用美食同時飽覽首爾全景,是一種生活享受。聽說N Grill更是求婚的熱點呢!

在N Tower上有一個收費展望臺。由於在公眾平台都可以俯瞰首爾全景,所以我沒有更上一層樓。


Namsan elevator 南山電梯
The road near Myeongdong Station where you can take the elevator up the cable car station. 明洞站旁上電梯的路,可以到達往南山的吊車站。
The love pad locks at Namsan terrace 南山平臺上的愛情鎖
The terrace of N Seoul Tower is filled with love pad locks as testaments of unfailing love. In case you haven’t brought one, they are available for sale at the gift shop. No excuses! 在平臺欄杆上掛滿了「愛情鎖」,以見證永久愛情的承諾。如果沒有自備,精品店有售。沒有藉口不掛一個!
The love sculpture at Namsan in Seoul. 首爾南山的愛情雕塑
The love sculpture on the terrace is a popular photo spot. It was just a stand alone sculpture, now barricaded probably due to too many tourists. 愛情雕塑是拍照的熱點。以前是沒有圍欄的,現在遊客太多,拍照只能在圍欄外。
Sunset at Namsan 南山日落景
The sunset is a bit far away but still a good one. 日落比較遠但仍然好看!
Nightview from Namsan, Seoul. 首爾南山的夜景
The best time to take photos of night view is when the sun has just gone down, the sky is still blue and the light of the city is up. 拍攝夜景的最佳時間是太陽剛下山的時候-城市燈光開始亮起來,天色還是深藍色的時候。
The pavilion at Namsan, Seoul 首爾南山的涼亭
The pavilion in Namsan was not any special during the day. But the LED highlight at night is very nice. 在南山的涼亭白天沒什麼特別,晚上的燈光卻把它變成一個耀眼的建築。
Restaurants between Namsan and Myeongdong 南山至明洞的餐廳
After you come down by cable car, you may take a short walk down to Myeongdong area. There are many nice looking coffee shops and restaurants on the way down. 參觀 N Tower 後如果乘坐吊車下山,可以步行到明洞,沿途有許多特色咖啡店和餐廳。

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