

崗堤寺 (Gantey Gongpa or Gangtey Monastery) 為於不丹最大高原濕地山谷珀吉卡山谷(Phobjikha Valley)山上,從寺廟可俯瞰這個不丹最大及最重要的濕地山谷。

崗堤寺初建於 1613年,為當地的一間小寺廟和修道院,期後經過擴建,建築物設計像城堡。在2002年,得到不丹國王的支持下把這重要歷史文物翻新,工程浩大,花了8年時間,除了盡量保留原有建築、雕塑和壁畫神像,亦增添了104條大柱,以鞏固崗堤寺的結構。現時的崗堤寺中間是一座主殿,四周有修道院舍和曾侶宿舍,亦有一間小旅館。日常有附近居民參拜祈福,環境寧靜清幽。有時間到寺院外走一走,可以府瞰珀吉卡山谷的壯麗景色。

There are three entrances to Gangtey Monastery. This is the entrance from the village where you may take a short walk.
This is the front entrance of the monastery.
There is a big courtyard in the central after you entered the main gate. The main tower is on the right side of the photo.
Local people come to pray during the day. They all tend to keep a distance from the main hall.
Classes are held in a hall. It looks like the junior monks are lead by the senior reading scripts.
The young monks in the monastery are very friendly and speak some English. Some have just started a couple of years ago..
The monastery is in a prime location with a stunning view of the Phojikha Valley.I think this monk is trying to look for black neck cranes in the valley. There is a special Black Neck Crane Festival held in the monastery in November every year, attracting many locals people and tourists.

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