



After paying the entrance fee, you will reach the main plaza area where there is an open theatre, shops and restaurants. This is also a crowded area where tourists meet. You will see the Little Prince and the fox. 付了入場費後,就會到達主題樂園的廣場,這裏有戶外的表演場地、商店、快餐店。這裏也是最多人的地方,有很多遊客都在這裏等候集合。在中間就會看到小王子和他的狐狸朋友。
At first, I thought that there were only a few houses around the plaza. But there are quite a lot of buildings on the hill. 我來之前看到的照片都是幾間小屋子圍著廣場,沒想到其實山上還有很多建築物。
There are many winding roads and steps on the hill, making it interesting to explore the colorful buildings on the slope. This house is set up as a traditional French-style old house.小法國村內有許多彎彎曲曲的小路和樓梯,穿插其中有走在童話世界迷宮的感覺。這一間是法國傳統住宅展示館。
I like the curvy walls of the buildings and on the stairs, making it looks like a fairyland. There are galleries and guest houses. 我很喜歡流線型的牆和樓梯,看起來像童話世界。這裏有藝廊和住宿區。
The main character of the park, Le Petite Prince! He is everywhere but not big in size, you have to look for them. 小王子,這裏的主角!村內有好幾個小王子雕塑,個子都不大,有些要好好地找。
The Little Prince in his classic look: blond hair, scarf, and cleaning his volcano. 典型的小王子造型:金頭髮、頸巾,在打掃他的火山。
The journey of the Little Prince. 小王子的旅程,這樣就可以飛。
“What is essential is invisible to the eye”. 只要用心,才能看到真諦。
The paintings on the wall are great backdrops for photos. 牆上的小王子壁畫是拍照的景點。
The theme park is expanding. There are a lot more new houses on the upper hillside. 小法國村一直有加建新建築物,沿山上走,多了很多新房子。
There is an area with wooden backdrops only. I think the park is adding more variety, creating a more diverse fairyland. 有一個地方只有木佈景板,應該是臨時的,以後可能會加入其他童話世界主題,使小法國的內容更豐富。
And there is a random warrior in front of a backdrop. Looks unfinished. 還有奇奇怪怪的歐洲武士,後面的是一個佈景板,好像沒有完成的佈置。
Something strange about the theme park is that all the proper restaurants are closed for business. Only fast food is available in the afternoon. Not sure if they only open certain time of the day or week. 小法國最奇怪的是園內的餐廳都沒有營業,下午只有快餐。不知道是否有特定時間或日子才營業。
原本想在這裏吃一個午餐,結果只有一塊鬆餅和一杯咖啡。I was planning to have lunch here. But all I had was just a waffle and a coffee.
Romantic places always come with places for love blessing charms. There’s an area in the main plaza where couples tie their commitments. 浪漫的地方總有愛情許願的掛飾。在廣場中心就有一個可以掛愛情鎖和響鈴的地方。
I read that it takes about an hour to walk through the park. But I guess that depends on how much time you spent in browsing shops, galleries and exhibitions, and taking photos. I would say you may spend a couple of hours and have a coffee. The early night view of the park looks nice. That’s when the episode of “My Love from the Star” was filmed. But the park is supposed to close at six. Perhaps it will extend in the summer. 有很多人說這裏一個小時可以走完。這視乎你花多少時間看展覽、商店和拍照。我覺得可能要兩個小時才可以好好看完,嘆杯咖啡,然後等到晚上園內亮燈,夜景很漂亮的,也就是拍 “來自星星的你” 其中一集的場景。但要查清楚關門和活動時間,可能夏天才可以看到亮燈。
The Gapyeong Tourism Attraction Circulation Bus will take you to the entrance of the theme park. 加平觀光循環巴士會帶你到小法國的入口,下車後往山崗方向望就會看到。小王子坐在牆上等你。
Petite France is not a big attraction where you would spend a day. It is better to plan a trip to combine the Garden of Morning Calm and Namiseon Island and stop by Petite France en route to either place. It is actually closer to Namiseon Island ferry pier. The Gapyeong Tourism Attraction Circulation Bus costs 6,000 won for adults and it’s a day pass for hop-on-hop-off. 小法國村不是一個很大的景點,最好是安排一個南怡島或晨靜木園的旅程,順道停小法國玩玩。加平旅遊景點循環巴士可以帶你遊沿途景點,車費是6,000韓元,可以隨時上下車,很方便。

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