Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email LinkedIn 首爾江南的 COEX 商場經過一段時間裝修後,2015年初重新開業,很多店舖都不一樣。現在的 COEX Mall 有200多間零售店和90多家甜品店、咖啡室和餐廳。還有電子遊戲中心、水族館和電影院,更連接其他商場,隨時可以逛一天。旅遊遇到下雨天,逛地下街全天候室內是好選擇,到巨型商場飲食娛樂購物樣樣齊更好。 The main plaza is the nicest with high ceiling, natural sunlight and spacious.中心廣場樓的樓頂是兩層打通的,有天然陽光穿透,煥然一新。 COEX Mall is a large shopping mall under Korea World Trade Center and connects to the Hyundai Department Store, Parnas shopping mall and Lotte Duty Free.COEX Mall 是韓國國際會議中心的地下商場,並連接現代百貨、Parnas購物商場及樂天免稅店。 There are over 30 coffee shops and dessert places in COEX Mall: Starbucks, Hollys Coffee, Coffee Beans, Jamba Juice and many more. This Artisee is a nice deli and cafe. 咖啡甜品店很多,共有30多間,包括星巴克、Hollys Coffee, Coffee Beans, Jamba 果汁等。這家Artisee 看來很不錯。 The shopping mall is big, so are the shops and restaurants. The interior of Artisee looks very stylish.商場很大,其店舖面積也相當闊落。 There are approximately 30 Korean, Asian and Western restaurants in COEX Mall, offering a wide variety of choices.商場內有30間餐廳,有韓國餐廳、亞洲以及世界各地美食,選擇甚多。 Food court is always easy if you just want something simple.假如你想簡單一點,美食廣場都有很多選擇。 It’s crowded over lunch hour.午餐時間美食廣場和受歡迎餐廳都排大隊。 The Kakao Friends store in COEX is a must-visit for most young travellers.來到 COEX 商場,年輕人必到 Kakao Friends 專門店朝聖。 Apeach. All characters are available for photography.專門店內有各個卡通人物可以拍照。 Tube and all Kakao Friends stuff toys.Tube 和全部 Kakao Friends 布公仔。 You may find interesting stationeries, gadgets and toys in Kakao Friends shop and never leave empty-handed.專門店內有各式各樣的文具、手機套、潮流玩意和擺設,總不會空手而回。 COEX mall is a good place to shop for Home & Decor items. Jaju is one of my favorite Korean home & decor store.商場內有不少家庭用品專賣店。我就比較喜歡這間 Jaju,讀音像中文的「家居」。 The overall look and feel of Jaju is similar to Muji.無論在裝修和產品方面,Jaju 都很像日本品牌「無印良品」。 There are lots of kitchen and table wares.有廚房用品和餐具。 Interesting design of a water dispenser.這個設計很特別。 Do what you love. Love what you do.做你喜歡的事,喜歡你做的事。 The other interesting home & deco store is this smiley face Butter.另一間比較特別的家居專門店是這間「牛油」。 Butter is about what it says on the wall “small things & great idea”. Most of the products are cute with an interesting message.「牛油」賣的產品都是以「小東西、好想法」的概念,設計出很多有趣的小擺設和生活用品。 …Like we all “need more sleep”.。。。。。。誰不「需要睡多一點」 “Beer loading” bottle sleeve… cheers!「上載啤酒」和「乾杯」啤酒瓶套! Robot clock.有型有款的機械人時鐘。 Gundam shop.高達基地專門店。 Not sure how the style and price are comparing to those in Japan but if you are in Korea, check it out.店內放滿高達模型,不知道款式和價錢比日本如何。既然在韓國,熱愛高達模型的都要來看看,可能買到心頭好。 There are a few rest areas in the shopping mall. In case you are tired, you may always take a break.商場內有些地方可以休息,走累了可以坐坐。 COEX mall has spent quite a long time to renovate the mall and relaunched early 2015. Shops were moving in by phases and the shopping mall got filled up by end of 2015.COEX Mall 花了一段時間裝修,到2015年初重開,到了2015年底才看到大部份的商店進駐。 Getting there: Subway Line No.2 Samseong Station exit 5 or 6 to Coex mall. Simply follow the sign.交通:地鐵2號線到三城站,5或6號出口,跟指示即可。 Seoul,首爾,江南,韓國購物,GangnamShopping in Korea Related Posts 住宿春川南怡島 11 10 月, 2016 鮑魚人蔘雞湯 5 10 月, 2016 內藏山紅葉續集:白羊寺 30 9 月, 2016 Comments are closed.
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