Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email LinkedIn 紡織業是不丹的傳統工業,從前平民交稅都以生產的貨物代替現金,所以紡織品一直以來都是有價值的貨物。材料方便,有絲、綿和毛牛的毛。時至今日,不丹手織的貨品價錢昂貴。在帕羅,一條真絲的傳統不丹女士的裙 (Kira) 可以賣好幾百到超過1,000美元。 不丹的紡織以東部最著名,但遊客很少會到東部,因為路程太遠。此外,中部也是出產紡織品的地方。所以假如你去中部布姆唐旅遊,行程必會包括參觀紡織廠,其實是購物時間,織布只是示範表演。但也很特別,而且產品種類多而且價錢相對市中心便宜,可以看看。 There are a couple of weaving shops on the way from Bumthang back to the western region. All tourist cars make a stop there for shopping.在布姆唐回程到不丹西部時,會經過兩間紡織品商店,所有旅遊車都會在這裡停留,讓遊客購物。 Some colorful weaving fabrics are hung outside the shop.商店外面都掛滿一些色彩繽紛的織布。 There are quite a lot of weaving products in the shop. All different patterns and colors. Most of them are hand-made.店內有很多紡織品,因為大部份是手織,每件產品的顏色和圖案都不同。 There are belts, bags, Kira (Bhutanese traditional dresses), and hats.傳統不丹女士穿著的裙、腰帶、袋和帽子都是紡織品。 In addition to weaving products, there are other traditional handicrafts made of wood and rattan. These boxes were lunch boxes in the old days and now available in smaller size as souvenirs.這些藤織的盒是以前放食物用的餐盒,現在有些迷你版,可以買來做手信,放小東西。 There are a couple of weaving machines outside the shop where the owner would do a quick demonstration upon tourists’ requests.商店外面有兩台織布機,老闆娘會因應客人要求示範織布。 I found this funny hat. A bit too small to keep the sun off the face.我找到這頂小藤織帽子,很可愛,但太小了,只可以用來裝飾,不能擋太陽。 不丹不丹中部不丹購物 Related Posts 8D7N 不丹深度遊 19 2 月, 2020 7日6夜不丹精華遊 15 2 月, 2020 8日7夜不丹杜鵑花節之旅 2 2 月, 2020 Comments are closed.
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