
悠悅光 Villa,一個五星級的民宿

這個民宿是一個絕大驚喜。首先,悠悅光 Villa 是宜蘭新開的,應該只有幾個月。此外,這裏全部裏裏外外都十分時尚:不對稱的建築、採用時尚室內設計和傢俬、乾淨、整潔。簡單的說:「潮」。



Aura Villa 悠悅光
The entrance of Aura Villa: there are parking space in the front yard so you don’t have to park on the street. 悠悅光有幾個停車位,可以不用停在路邊。
The garden of Aura Villa 悠悅光的花園
The yard is pretty big: there are swings and outdoor sitting areas. A great place to hang out any time. 花園夠大,設有韆鞦和戶外座椅,環境舒適,足不出戶也可以悠閒地過一個愉快的假期。
Poolside of Aura Villa 悠悅光泳池旁
There is an independent suite by the pool. For sure if you want more privacy. 泳池旁邊有一間獨立套房,如果想有更私人空間,這是好選擇。
Living room of Aura Villa 悠悅光的客廳
The living room is a big lounge with a L-shape sofa and a big TV. Of course the lovely cute teddy bear is a highlight.
The dining area of Aura Villa 悠悅光的飯廳
The main dining area is a long table that serves 10 people. A few others can sit by the bar table of the open kitchen. 飯廳是一張長檯,可供10人同時用餐,另有幾個酒吧座位在開放式廚房前。
The family room in Aura Villa 悠悅光的4人房
This is a family room with 2 king size beds. It is very spacious. Other rooms are double rooms with one king size bed. 這間是4人房間,有兩張6尺床,適合家庭住宿。其他房間都是雙人房,每間房有一張6尺床。
The bathroom in Aura Villa 悠悅光的浴室
The bathroom of the family room is impressive: there is a rain shower, a big bath tub that fits for a whole family to bath together, and two sinks! Not what I expect available in a bnb. 家庭房的浴室十分寬躺,有雨淋花灑、一個足夠一個家庭浸泡泡浴,還有兩個洗手盤!沒想到民宿可以如此豪華!
Aura Villa provides bicycles for customers 悠悅光 villa 提供單車給客人使用
There are bicycles for customers to use. 民宿提供單車讓客人使用。

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