
Artbox 釜山旗艦店

Artbox 是我到韓國喜歡逛的商店,以前常去明洞,小小一間舖推滿年輕人,後來到首爾其它有年輕人的地區都看過,但從沒有看過這間那麼大的專門店。有兩層樓,每層的面積十分寬躺,每種產品都有一個角落,不同顏色和設計選擇很多,有T恤、文具、雨傘、頭飾,及小玩意產品等。重點是有「韓國製造」的產品,買手信一流。

Locating near the Kyungsung University, Pukyong National University Station, the green line no. 212 station, the Artbox really stands out. I have never seen such as big Artbox before.
走出慶星大學、釜慶大學站(地鐵線2號線 212號站),看到這間巨型 Artbox,立即感到興奮。從來沒有看過這樣大型的 Artbox。
I think Artbox is a Korean version of Log-On, carrying a variety of personal items targeting young markets.
Artbox 好像韓版 Log-On,有許多年輕人喜歡的有型別緻的個人產品和小玩意。
Like Line Friends and Kakao Friends in Korea, there are two sets of large characters in the shop as an attraction.
這間Artbox 像 Line Friends 和 Kakao Friends 旗艦店一樣, 除了空間大,還有兩座巨型卡通人物坐陣。
The upper floor of the shop has several sections. This is a skincare corner.
Garden section.
These are headbands!
Stationeries are popular items in Artbox.
Artbox 的文具很受歡迎。
The mug section is also big.
The ceramic mugs are cute if you don’t mind hand carry them back.
This kitchen ware section is new. I’ve never seen it before.
廚房用品是新的吧?我印象中沒有在 Artbox 見過。
Cute socks.
There’s never two many boxes and containers for girls.
Another reason why these products are popular is because they are “made in Korea”!

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