



Wai Ao service area 外澳服務區
This bright yellow modern Wai Ao service area is very eye-catching. 這個鮮豔的黃色外澳服務區十分搶眼。
Wai Ao Service Center 外澳服務中心
The big open door is the main feature of the building, looking at the Turtle Island. 這個黃色建築物的特色是這個常開的門,可以看到龜山島。
Beach umbrellas for rent on the beach. 沙灘上有太陽傘出租。
Beach umbrellas for rent on the beach. But you have to call. 沙灘上有太陽傘出租,但要打電話。
Beach accessories stalls 售賣沙灘用品攤位
The summer is over, only random beach accessories stalls are open. 暑假過去,這裏售賣沙灘用品的攤位也冷清了。
Wai Ao beach 外澳沙灘
The Wai Ao beach is a big black sand beach that is famous for surfing and body boarding. 外澳是一個很大的黑沙沙灘,夏天是一個滑浪熱門地點。
Curry chicken rice meal set 咖喱雞飯午餐
No. 9 Cafe offers a decent choice of good. This is a set lunch of curry chicken rice. The price is reasonable. 九號咖啡也有不少選擇,這是一份咖喱雞飯午餐,價錢合理。
Seafood pasta 海鮮義大利麵
I ordered a set of seafood pasta. It tastes fine. 我點了一份海鮮義大利麵,味道不錯。

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