

由於經濟發展與城市規劃,酒廠於1987年遷移到台北縣的廠區,華山釀酒廠被慌廢了。 直到1997年,金枝演社進入廢棄的園區演出,被指侵用國家財產,社會各界和藝術家的關注。
Huashan Creative Park consists of a few old buildings. 華山文創區內有幾棟古舊建築,充滿文化歷史氣氛。
Huashan Creative Park consists of a few old buildings. 華山文創區內有幾棟古舊建築,充滿文化歷史氣氛。
The open space between the buildings is a nice place for live performance at the weekend. 中庭位置在週末有音樂表演
The open space between the buildings is a nice place for live performance at the weekend. 中庭位置在週末有音樂表演
The area is very charming. 建築物很有懷舊feel。
The area is very charming. 建築物很有懷舊feel。
It’s a place where there are performers and audience. 文化創意園區有表演者,亦有知音人。
It’s a place where there are performers and audience. 文化創意園區有表演者,亦有知音人。
It is a self-sustained park with many choices of bars and restaurants in the Park where you can easily spend a day. 園區內有不少餐廳、咖啡廳及酒吧,是一個可以玩一天的地方。
It is a self-sustained park with many choices of bars and restaurants in the Park where you can easily spend a day. 園區內有不少餐廳、咖啡廳及酒吧,是一個可以玩一天的地方。
You may see the original tiles and structures of the buildings everywhere. 園區內到處都可以看到原始建築材料,很有特色。
You may see the original tiles and structures of the buildings everywhere. 園區內到處都可以看到原始建築材料,很有特色。

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