


宜蘭太平山高海拔 2,000 公尺,是台灣三大國家森林遊樂區之一。太平山樹木茂盛,天然資源豐富:自然及人工森林、高山湖泊、瀑布、溫泉。太平山面積廣,有不同的森林步道,可以走走呼吸新鮮空氣、欣賞山林風景。許多遊人和攝影發燒友會專程看日出及雲海。當然,要看日出及雲海就視乎天氣與運氣,高山天氣變幻莫測。一般要到太平山一日遊要清早出發,因為中午過後雲霧會開始累積,下山路可能大霧能見度低。天氣不好,可能真的什麼都看不見!


Mount Taiping in Yilan. 宜蘭太平山
Mount Taiping in Yilan. 宜蘭太平山
The entrance of Mt Taiping Recreation Area 太平山森林遊樂園入口
The park entrance of Mt Taiping and Tourist Centre was half-buried in soil after the super typhoon in August 2015. 宜蘭太平山的入口「土場」被2015年8月的超強颱風帶來的泥石流把建築物埋了一半。
Old trains at the entranec of Mt Taiping Peak entrance of the old train
The old train station at the entrance of Mt Taiping was damaged. Luckily the trains looked intact.「土場」展示的舊火車站也被沙泥破壞,幸好火車還在。
Seeing the bright sky walking trail in Mt Taiping 太平山見情懷古步道。
One of the walking trail in Mt Taiping along the old railway. 太平山見情懷古步道。
Cuifeng Lake Walking Trail in Mt Taiping. 翠峰湖步道
The Cuifeng Lake Walking Trail in Mt Taiping. 翠峰湖步道
Cuifeng Lake in Mt Taiping 太平山翠峰湖
Cuifeng Lake in Mt Taiping is the largest alpine lake in Taiwan. 翠峰湖是台灣最大高山湖泊
The restaurant in Mt Taiping 宜蘭太平山餐廳
The only restaurant / canteen in Mt Taiping. You may pack your lunch or simply eat here. 宜蘭太平山的唯一餐廳,提供簡餐。
Organic vegetarian food at the restaurant of Mt Taiping 太平山餐廳提供有機菜
Simple lunch meals at the restaurant of Mt Taiping:. Organic vegetarian or mixed meat with rice and soup restaurant on 太平山提供簡餐:素菜或混菜肉餐、湯、飯。蔬菜都是有機菜,十分健康。
Coffee shop in Mt Taiping 太平山咖啡茶座
The coffee shop across from the restaurant in Mt Taiping is a good place to hang out and enjoy the mountain view. You may see some photos of the logging history there. 太平山餐廳對面是咖啡茶座,是飯後嘆咖啡的好地方。這裏可以欣賞山林景色及看看一些太平山伐木時代的歷史照片。
The staircase outside of the main restaurant at Mt Taiping 太平山餐廳外的像紅葉樓梯
The staircase outside the main restaurant is a beautiful walk, red leaves (maple-like) even in the summer all the way up to the temple on top. 餐廳外面是一條漂亮的長而直的樓梯,兩旁種有像紅葉的樹木,直上可以到達一個廟宇。
Walking up the stairs lead to more trails on the side and the temple on top. 樓梯直上兩旁有其他步道,樓梯最頂有一座廟(以前是日本神社)。
Walking up the stairs lead to more trails on the side and the temple on top. 樓梯直上兩旁有其他步道,樓梯最頂有一座廟(以前是日本神社)。

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