Autumn in Korea

UNESCO World Heritage: Temple Site Since 528

Located in Gyeongju City, Bulguksa Temple was first built in 528 as a small wooden temple for the queen to pray for the welfare of the Silla kingdom and was originally called ‘Hwaeom Bulguksa Temple’.  The temple was rebuilt in 751 and renamed to Bulguksa upon completion in 774. It came no surprise that a temple with such a long history would have to go through many renovations and restoration.

Bulguksa Temple is the representative relic of Gyeongju and was designated as a World Cultural Asset by UNESCO in 1995. There are seven national treasures in the temple complex, including the two pagodas, bridges and statues.

The double section staircase with a total of 33 steps which leads to the main hall was probably built in 750. The arch underneath the staircase testifies the use of arches in Silla-style bridges. 這條石梯有兩段共三十三級樓梯,直接通往主殿。橋下的拱門證實是新羅時代的建築設計。
The pond in the courtyard is the best photo spot in autumn. 寺內前園的水池是秋天紅葉攝影景點。
The two pagodas in the temple are designated national treasures of South Korea. 佛國寺內兩座佛塔都是南韓的國寶。
The dragon head door knocks 龍頭門敲扣
The wooden gate leads to the different halls 穿過木門可通往不同的神殿
This historic temple is very charming, particularly in autumn 秋天到這個古蹟賞楓有古樸味




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