
Street Art? Graffiti? but not “Picasso”

I was lured by the introduction of “Picasso Street” on a Korea travel guide book from a friend and made a trip to take a look at the “Picasso” art work in Seoul. It took a little while to find the exact location.  It’s a retaining wall at the back of an alley! To be honest, it was disappointing.

I would not call myself an artist but I have seen enough of master pieces that I would not associate any paintings in the area with Picasso. Street art? May be. Graffiti? Some of them are definitely graffiti. When it comes to contemporary art, it’s personal. You have to come see it yourself.

Having said that, the area is very interesting though. It’s a centre of young culture. University areas are always filled with young and energetic atmosphere, particularly in this Hongik University (or Hongdae) area. The school is a famous Fine Arts and Design university in South Korea. There is an annual street art exhibition event, attracting art school students and young artists to flock to this area. Weekend evenings are the most exiting time with live music and dance on the street. Clubs, bars and restaurants are filled with young people (and some tourists of course).

Picasso street in Hongdae, Seoul 首爾弘大畢加索一條街
This retaining wall is on the “Picasso street”. 這一副護土牆就是“畢加索一條街” 的景點。
Picasso street in Hongdae, Seoul 首爾弘大畢加索一條街
Not sure what this figure is.不太看得懂這代表是什麼。
Picasso street in Hongdae, Seoul 首爾弘大畢加索一條街
The cafe across from the retaining wall has painting on the wall. That’s flower. 護土牆對面的小咖啡店都畫上畫,至少看得懂是花。
Picasso street in Hongdae, Seoul 首爾弘大畢加索一條街
There are real graffiti every where. 附近有很多都是塗鴉。
Picasso street in Hongdae, Seoul 首爾弘大畢加索一條街
The mix of the young culture also include some lovely little shops. This one is a dessert place. 在年輕人聚集的地方都有其他的小店。這家是一間甜品店。
Picasso street in Hongdae, Seoul 首爾弘大畢加索一條街
Coffee culture is also big in Korea. This cafe features a special design using containers and steel structure. 咖啡文化也是韓國大熱的文化之一。這家咖啡店的外型就以鋼鐵及貨櫃建築為主題。外型特別。
Picasso street in Hongdae, Seoul 首爾弘大畢加索一條街
People are more concerned about health these days. And many restaurants feature organic food and fresh ingredients to attract customers. This type of organic cafe is definitely popular. 健康生活已經成為時尚,很多餐廳都大力推有機、新鮮食材。看到那麼一大間有機咖啡店都想喝一杯。
Picasso street in Hongdae, Seoul 首爾弘大畢加索一條街
If you continue to wander around the area, many retaining walls are painted with various subjects. 當你在這區流連,會看到很多護土牆都畫上不同題材的畫。
Club street in Hongdae, Seoul 首爾弘大酒吧街
The club street is near the subway station. There are many clubs, bars, restaurants, fast food and snacks in the in the area. This place come to live in on Friday and Saturday evenings. 走到接近地鐵站就會看到酒吧街,沿路有很多餐廳酒吧和小吃。星期五、六會很熱鬧。
Club street in Hongdae, Seoul 首爾酒吧條街
The street arts are more organised here. There are several stand alone cement walls with paintings of various styles and subjects. 這裏有好幾幅獨立的牆在路中心,畫上不同主題,看起來比較整齊,可能是路邊藝術的場地。
Street art in Hongdae, Seoul 首爾弘大街頭藝術
The Andy Warhol style pop art. Andy Warhol 風格的豬。
Street art in Hongdae, Seoul 首爾弘大街頭藝術
Flying turtle. Interesting. 會飛的烏龜。特別。
Street art in Hongdae, Seoul 首爾弘大街頭藝術
The mobile apps friends: KaKao. 韓國流行免費手機apps: KaKao friends.
Elaine Wu having a churro.
My friend Elaine bought a fancy churro stick with chocolate and almond dip. 我的朋友Elaine 買了一枝西班牙油炸鬼 (churro) 點朱古力和果仁吃。

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