
Shirakawa-go Illumination

The UNESCO World Heritage Shirakawa-go is one of the most beautiful winter wonderland in Japan. It is one of the snowiest place in Japan hence the creation of traditional farm houses (Gassho-zukuri) that feature steep roofs that look like palms together.

Every winter, 6 days in January and February are selected as the special winter illumination dates, attracting lots of tourists from all over the world. There were thousands of tourists visited Shirakawa-go in 2016. It was very packed!

If you do not manage to stay in Shirakawa-go, here’s a travel plan for staying in Takayama and visit Shirakawa-go on a day trip. Takayama city is a nice small city with a charming old town, Takayama Jinya, many museums and a Hida Folk Village where you can see a good collection of gassho-styled farm houses.

Takayama City 高山市
Takayama is a nice base for Shirakawa-go. You may take a bus or JR from Nagoya and spend a couple of days before and/or after Shirakawa-go.
去白川鄉最方便是住宿高山,從名古屋去高山市可以乘坐巴士或 JR,交通方便。
Takayama City old town 飛驒高山市老街
The old town of Takayama is very charming, featuring many traditional Japanese houses back in Edo period. And it is called “Small Kyoto in Hida”. Many of the houses are now shops and restaurants where you will enjoy browsing and taking photos.
高山市的老街有小京都之稱,有不少江戶時代的傳統日本建築,很古樸優雅。 當中不少是商店和餐廳,是遊客逛街、拍照及購買手信的好地方。
Takayama Jinya 高山陣屋
Takayama Jinya is an old government house built in Edo period and used for 270 years. The interior and display are very interesting.
Hida no Sato 飛驒之里
Hida no Sato is a folk village showcasing a good collection of Gassho-styled farm houses. It’s only 10 minutes away by bus from Takayama Station. A great place to take a close look at traditional farm houses.
Hida beef 飛驒牛
Do not miss the famous Hida beef when you visit Takayama. It’s available in various ways of cooking: sushi, skewers, and grilled with soybean paste and magnolia leave.
Sarubobo 飛驒猴寶寶
Buy. Buy. Buy. Sarubobo is the mascot of Takayama. There are different versions (by color) that bring you fortune, luck and love. It’s a great souvenir from Takayama.
買、買、買。 飛驒高山的飛驒猴寶寶是當地的吉祥物和特色手信,不同顏色代表不同祝福:財運、學業、事業、幸福。 多買幾個送親友,送上祝福。
Shirakawa-go winter illumination 白川鄉冬季點燈
2017 illumination dates: January 22, 23, 29, 30, February 5 and 6. All Sundays and Mondays.
2017 白川鄉冬季點燈日期:1月22日、23日、29日、30日,2月5日及6日。全部是星期日及星期一。

Transportation: Nohi bus runs regularly between Takayama station and Shirakawa-go. Special chartered buses are available during the winter illumination. Bus tickets are sold 1 month before the illumination date and reservation can only be made by phone this year. Please check the website link.


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