
One in a Million Cafe

After visiting Leeum Museum, I took a walk towards Itaewon. There are a lot of cafes and restaurants in the area and I found this “One in a Million” coffee shop in Hannam-dong area the most interesting. The cafe is in the alley of Hannam-dong area where there are small shops and unique restaurants. Then there is this entrance which looked like a parking area with a simple sign saying “one in a million” and some pink outdoor chairs.

At first, I thought it was an event with a large pink banner and a few pink chairs. Some girls were busy taking photos.
I was curious and walked inside to check it out. There are more chairs and tables. It’s a cafe.
It’s very fascinating that the restaurant was packed with young ladies having drinks and taking photos. Many were wearing pink and white! Very pretty.
The restaurant was quite full. All ladies. I have never seen any ladies cafe like this one.
餐廳內都坐滿年輕女士,這個地方真神奇,從來沒有看過這樣的 Ladies cafe。
Many of them were busy taking photos of each other, holding a “one in a million” paper cup. Some were having lunch.
大部份的顧客都忙互相拍照,手上拿著一杯「one in a million」的飲品。也有不少顧客在吃午餐。
The interior design is clean and simple: white walls, arch shaped windows, marble table and black chairs.
I ordered a brunch menu: fresh salad, a poached egg, avocado, cold cut and onion on toasts. No wonder this cafe restaurant is so popular, the food was good. It’s a pity that the coffee machine just broke. Well, next time.
Address: 684-62 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea. Subway line 6 Hangangjin Station (No. 631) exit 2 towards Itawon direction.
地址:首爾龍山區,漢南洞 684-62。地鐵6號線漢江鎮站2號出口,梨泰園方向。

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