
Ice Festival in Red-light District

The second venue of Sapporo Snow Festival takes place in Susukino, a busy business area that turns into a red-light district after hour. It is an extension from Odori Park where you may simply walk there (about 10 minutes) or take a train to the Susukino Station.

Featuring delicate ice sculptures and ice bars, the Susukino Site is also called Susukino Ice Festival. It is relatively small in scale, stretching only 3 city blocks. It takes about half an hour to walk around and take quick pictures. The good thing about this site is that there are so many shops, bars and restaurants that you can easily take a warm break any time. There are 5,000 night clubs, bars, restaurants and cafes in Susukino area. So it is easy to find something to eat after visiting the site. The bad thing is that the buildings and shops are so close that you will always capture some logos and billboards in your pictures.

In 2016, the Susukino Site will open from Feb 5 to 11. The light will be on from sunset to 11pm (till 10pm on the last day). If you come visit the Sapporo Snow Festival, you won’t miss this.

Susukino site 薄野雪祭會場
The Susukino Site is right outside the Sukuskino subway station. The venue is relatively small, occupying only 3 city blocks. 薄野雪祭會場位於薄野地鐵站出口,規模比較小,只有3 個路口長。
Susukino site 扎幌薄野雪祭
All of the displays are ice sculptures. 所有雪祭作品都是冰雕。
Sukukino Site 薄野雪祭會場
There is an ice sculpture competition every year. This marlin ice sculpture was awarded the Second Runner-up or the Third Prize in 2012. 會場每年都舉行冰雕比賽,這座旗魚冰雕獲得「準優秀賞」。


Susukino Ice Festival 薄野冰雕雪祭
The falcon ice sculpture was named the “Award of Excellence”, meaning the first runner-up. 這座飛鷹冰雕獲得「優秀獎」。
Sukukino Site 薄野雪祭會場
This exquisite phoenix ice sculpture was awarded the “Grand Award” in the site. 這座精緻的鳳凰是「最優秀賞」,即全場冠軍。
Sukukino Site 薄野雪祭會場
Many of the ice sculptures are sponsored by schools and corporations. 薄野雪祭場地的冰雕大部份都是由公司或學校贊助的。
Sukukino Site 薄野雪祭會場
Some of the companies actually put their brand names on the sculpture as a form of advertising. 有些公司更把 Logo 刻在冰雕上,乾脆擺明賣廣告。
Sukukino Site 薄野雪祭會場
One of the features in this ice sculpture venue is the frozen fish, clams and crabs in the frozen ice sculpture. 這場地其中一個特點是冰雕內藏真正的冰鮮魚、蟹及其他海產。
Sukukino Site 薄野雪祭會場
I think that the frozen fish with bloodstain is a bit gross. 如果你問我,走近一點看見有血的冰鮮魚有點殘忍。
Sukukino Site 薄野雪祭會場
Ice sculptures are nicer at night with the light on. 欣賞冰雕還是晚上有燈的時候比較好看。
Susukino Site 薄野雪祭會場
The reindeer ice sculpture. 馴鹿冰雕。
Susukino Site 薄野雪祭會場
What’s also unique in this ice festival venue is that there are quite a few Ice Bar built with blocks of ice selling bears and wine, offering an interesting drinking experience in the cold weather. 這冰雕雪祭會場另一特點是有不少用冰蓋的酒吧,讓遊客可以感受在冰屋內喝酒。










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