
Hot Spring Paradise in Hell Valley

If you want to go for a day-trip Onsen (hot spring) from Sapporo, Noboribetsu is one of the possible location with a variety of hot springs with healing effects.

You may drive, take a bus or train from Sapporo to Noboribetsu. In the winter, I would prefer the JR train which will be less likely to be interrupted by bad weather condition such as snow storms. It is comfortable and safe. It takes about 100 minutes from Sapporo to  Noboribetsu JR station. Then a 15 minute bus to the onsen street.

The Jigokudani (Hell Valley) is a not-to-be-missed attraction which is only 20 minutes away from the onsen street. On the way up to the Hell Valley, two giant onsen demons in red and blue color holding spiked bats will be waiting for you by the roadside. These hot spring demons are built for driving the evil spirit away, bringing health and happiness to people.

Just follow the main road, you will arrive at the Noboribetsu Jigokudani scenery forest. There are wooden paths that leads you to different view points. And you can get closed to the hottest “hell” to see the boiling water and sulphur smoke gushing out of the crater of Mt. Kuttara. It is an interesting experience.

Once called “Hot Spring Paradise”, Noboribetsu onsen area produces 9 different kinds of hot spring water, bringing different healing benefits. No wonder why Japanese has the longest life expectancy in the world.

The welcome demon at Noboribetsu JR station.
登別 JR 站的湯鬼神歡迎你,拍攝景點一。



You will see a couple of huge onsen demons in the onsen area. Their scary look meant to scare the evil spirit away, protecting the people and bringing happiness. 登別的魔鬼是守護溫泉的湯鬼神,象徵除魔及保護人民。有藍色和紅色,他們都幾十呎高,手持狼牙棒,精靈的造型可把邪魔也嚇走。
The blue demon.
Arriving the Jigokudani area.
Just follow the road, you will arrive at the entrance of the Noboribetsu onsen scenery forest.
The park office on the left of the entrance where you can take a rest, get information and use the washroom. Many Japnese are very creative and have good sense of humor in making snowman.




You may walk through different foot paths to get a a different view of Jigokudani.
On a sunny day, the scenery is beautiful and spectacular!
Jigokukani scenery forest connects to other natural forests. It is recommended that you get a map from the national park’s office before you head off different trials.



There are wooden paths around the Jigokudani, offering different view points which are all amazing. The paths are slippery though. Be careful.
There are signs with warning that you are not supposed to go further, particularly when the ground is covered with snow.
The view from this hot spring hotel has to be good. It looks nice from this angle.



Bubbling sulphur water, steam gushing out and strong smell of sulphur everywhere in Jigokudani.

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