
Fusion Afternoon Tea : Croissant Donut

Japan is fun in many ways: beautiful scenery, good food and great shopping. When it comes to coffee and dessert, you will never be short of options. In fact, there may be too many options that you almost have to put them in your itinerary to schedule it.

There are a few things you don’t need to worry about when choosing a cafe because most of the Japanese coffee, ice-cream and bakery are nice. So you can’t go very wrong, except the fact that most food and drinks are not served hot. They don’t serve hot milk with coffee and the breads are often room temperature.

NU Chayamachi in Umeda, Osake. 大阪梅田 NU 茶屋町
Walking around in Umeda near Osaka JR station, I randomly walked into this shopping mall called Nu Chayamachi. There are restaurants, shops and Tower Records in the 9 storey mall.
我在大阪梅田逛街,看到這棟時尚的商場,自然地走進去看看。NU 茶屋町商場有9層樓,有餐廳、商店和 Tower Records。
Nu Chayamachi. Nu 茶屋町
Time to have a coffee break. So I checked out the restaurant floors on 8F and 9F. I found this restaurant with a long queue and an interesting cake set “Croissant donut”. Really? Croissant and donut in one? Judging from the queue of Japanese young people, I decided to give it a try and lined up.
NU Chayamachi in Umeda, Osake. 大阪梅田 NU 茶屋町
The restaurant is so bright inside that you can’t tell from the outside. Glass walls and mirror allows the sun come though the window facade. Very bright and comfortable.
Nu Chayamachi. Nu 茶屋町
I was asked the types of seating I want but I really don’t speak Japanese. “Doesn’t Matter. Any where”. Then I found out why she asked. There are nice comfortable lounge chairs along the window facade on which you can take off your shoes and have your legs stretched! The environment and atmosphere are really nice.

Chano-ma Nu Chayamachi. Chano-ma in Nu 茶屋町
Look! This is exactly the same as the poster outside. It’s a bit crispy like a croissant with denser texture. Very special! Vanilla ice-cream, strawberry sauce, berries and beautiful decoration… It tastes as good as it looks. ¥1,200 including tea/coffee.
看!實物和照片一樣,不是「圖片只供參考」。麵包的皮有點脆,但麵包質感比較厚,有點像甜圈,真的有點像牛角飽和甜圈的合體,加上雲呢拿雪糕、士多啤梨醬、三種鮮莓和精美裝飾,外型已經100分。味道仲一流!¥1,200 連咖啡/紅茶。

Chano-ma Nu Chayamachi. Chano-ma in Nu 茶屋町
Another good choice of restaurant. Highly recommended if you fancy good food and nice environment.

NU Chayamachi in Umeda, Osaka. 大阪梅田 NU 茶屋町
Address: NU Chayamachi
9F, 10-12, Chayamachi, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, 530-0013
地址:NU 茶屋町,〒530-0013 大阪府北区茶屋町

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