
Comic Book Cafe in Busan

Walking around the Kyung Sung University & Pukyong National University areas, it is interesting to explore the alleyways where many small cafes, bars and restaurants are.

When I walked pass this inflatable Hello Kitty light box, I thought it’s a Hello Kitty cafe. It’s upstairs. I haven’t been to any Hello Kitty cafes in Busan yet, so might as well check it out.
走過小巷時看到這個 Hello Kitty 吹氣燈箱,以為是 Hello Kitty Cafe,於是上去看看。
It turns out that it’s a comic book cafe. The cashier bar is right by the entrance.
All customers are require to take off their shoes, put them on the locker and wear the slippers they provide.
There are a couple of tables in the main area which offers an open space and easier setting for food and drink. The whole cafe is very quiet.
All the comic books are in the middle of the cafe.
You may also choose to pick your own “room”. The big stuffed toys sitting on the upper deck and those with opened curtains are indications of availability.
The reading rooms are on 3 sides of the cafe. Book shelves are in the middle.
There are rows of comic books and they charge by the hour (minimum of 3 hours).
The design of the individual reading space is like a bunk bed with a curtain.
When I told the girl that I only want some drinks and would like to stay for 1 hour, she was nice to charge only for the food and drink. Also, she let me take photos.

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