
Blue Bottle Coffee in Shinjuku

It is surprising how many foreign coffee shops are expanding so fast in Japan given the fact that Japan’s own coffee and bakeries have been very good. I guess all foreign brands are different, adding varieties, choices and tastes to the diverse consumer market in Japan.

Blue Bottle Coffee is a US coffee company that has branches in New York, Bay Area and Los Angeles. I think that the founder’s idea of selling coffee within 48 hours out of the roaster to the customers is the key to the success of its business. so they may enjoy coffee at its peak of flavor. Of course using the finest, most delicious and responsibly sourced beans.

Blue Bottle Coffee in Shinjuku 新宿「藍瓶咖啡」
This is the window on the street side of the Blue Bottle Coffee. There’s no company name, just a blue bottle on one panel.
Blue Bottle Coffee in Shinjuku 新宿「藍瓶咖啡」
This Shinjuku shop was newly open for only 3 weeks when I visited. It was the third one in Tokyo There was a long queue with at lease 50 people in front of me.
這新宿店是「藍瓶咖啡」在日本的第三間分店,才營業3週。Cafe 內很多人,我排隊前面至少有50人。
Blue Bottle Coffee in Shinjuku 新宿「藍瓶咖啡」
Other than coffee beans and coffee mugs, there are other merchandise for sale.
Blue Bottle Coffee in Shinjuku 新宿「藍瓶咖啡」
The coffee beans are from Costa Rica.
咖啡豆是南美 Costa Rica 出產的。
Blue Bottle Coffee in Shinjuku 新宿「藍瓶咖啡」
These mugs are popular products from Australia.
Blue Bottle Coffee in Shinjuku 新宿「藍瓶咖啡」
After ordering a coffee, the customers are standing in front of the counter to watch their drip coffee being made.
Blue Bottle Coffee in Shinjuku 新宿「藍瓶咖啡」
The main feature of Blue Bottle Coffee is that all roasted beans are used within 48 hours from boasting, ensuring the freshness and quality of the coffee.
Blue Bottle Coffee in Shinjuku 新宿「藍瓶咖啡」
It’s entertaining to watch the drip coffee being made. Then the barista will call your name to present your coffee.
Blue Bottle Coffee in Shinjuku 新宿「藍瓶咖啡」

When you order, the staff will put your name on the receipt. A house blend coffee costs ¥450.
Blue Bottle Coffee in Shinjuku 新宿「藍瓶咖啡」
It’s so hard to get a stool to sit down for a coffee. The coffee is pretty good.

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