
Lakeside Bed and Breakfast

Many travellers choose to go to Yilan for a nice break from the busy city life: stay in bed-and-breakfast, cycle around, take a walk along the lake, the forest, the beach, and be close to the nature.

In Yilan, there are now hundreds of bed-and-breakfast in different locations and offer different style.  “Jasmine in the wood” is located right by the Plum Lake, a beautiful environment.


“Jasmine in the woods” offers three bed-and-breakfasts in different layouts in two two-storey buildings “森之茉莉” 提供三間民宿。其中一棟有兩間套房,另一間是樓下客廳、樓上睡房的間隔。
Family setting with a double and single bed. 民宿以家庭式設計為主,房間內設有一張雙人床及一張單人床,適合家庭住宿。
There are dining tables, bookshelves, books, TV, open kitchen. A great setting for family holidays! 每間套房都有餐廳、書架、圖書、電視、廚房,很適合家庭度假!
The bathrooms are spacious, nice and clean with nice touch of plants and small decoration. 衛浴室設計細心別緻,空間寬躺。
The breakfast is great. All vegetables are organic, fresh and natural. 森之茉莉早餐豐富,食材都是有機蔬菜,吃得飽飽才出發玩!



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