
A Stylish bnb in Yilan

Kmage Loft is a unique bnb. It is home to a Taiwanese photographer. Kmage is the name of his photo studio in Taipei.

Locating in the middle of farm fields, Kmage Loft is an independent house with wide open view. The closest neighbor is across a small river. It is a tranquil environment with fresh air and very green.

The house was not built by the owner Mr. Kuo Cheng Chang. However, he has spent a lot of money and effort to transform it into a great home to live, including changing the direction of the main door to avoid strong wind, adding windows to lit up the house. He also designed all the interiors and even made some furnitures himself. Impressive!

Mr. Kuo bought the house for a better living environment with more green open space. So he designed it the way he wanted to live in . The reason why he rent out the house is because he travels overseas for work all the time. He wants his house to be a living home, not a vacant block. That’s a good idea.

Kmage is three-storey tall: open kitchen, living and dining area on the ground floor, a bedroom with independent bathroom and a balcony on the first and second floor. However, Mr. Kuo only rents the house to one group of people, thinking that people will feel inconvenient sharing the common area. With a minimum of two persons, you can rent out the whole house! That’s a great option for people who look for privacy. Of course it is a big enough house for 4 to 6 people.

You may see a lovely dog called Yodo in the common area (the yard) but it usually follows Mr. Kuo around. When there are guests, Mr. Kuo will stay in the small independent house in the back yard.

This is a big lounge area that fits 8 to 10 people. And his table was hand made by the owner, Mr. Kuo! 這張大木餐桌可以坐8-10人,設計特別,是郭先生親手做的!
A corner of the living room is decorated with books, accessories and some photos taken by Mr. Kuo. 客廳的樓梯一角佈置了一些書籍、擺設和郭先生拍的照片。
The bookshelves are made of water pipes. Creative! 書架的材料是水管,設計沒有木板就可以放書籍。有創意!
The open kitchen is not big but functional. There are breads, eggs, soya milk, tea and coffee. You can make your own breakfast. 廚房比較小,但需要的煮食用具都有。早餐有麵包、雞蛋、豆奶、茶、咖啡,你可以自己弄。
The old wooden furniture from Mr. Kuo’s grand father. 郭先生祖父的木桌椅,三代了!
The mortise and tenon joint old furnitures are valuable wood work of the old days. To Mr. Kuo, it’s the valuable memory of his grand father. 原實木入筍做的傢俬現在少有,對郭先生來說,最珍貴的是因為它是祖父留下來的東西。
Tatami setting in each of the bed rooms. The slit window design allows the sunlight to come into the side wall in the morning, won’t be right on your eyes. Thoughtful! 睡房是簡單的榻榻米。牆上的一條長長窗戶正好讓晨光射到牆上,不會刺眼。想得周到!
The owner’s photos served as good decoration on the walls. This is a collage of travel photos from five continents. 屋主郭先生的作品是影樓的主要裝飾。這幅牆是他走過五大洲的一些精選。
There is no television in the bedroom. Isn’t this big window a big one? Looking at an open view of flat farm lands and once a while you will see a train passes through. 睡房沒有電視。但這個大窗戶不是一個很大的屏幕嗎?外面有廣闊的田園,偶爾有火車經過。
The bathroom is spacious and well-designed with natural light coming through in the morning. 浴室空間很大,設計時尚,白天有陽光透過天花和小窗戶進來,形成特別的圖案。
The balcony on the first floor is pretty big. There’s a lounge chair when you can enjoy a sun bath or a starry night. 一樓的陽台比較大,有太陽傘,可以曬太陽或者觀星。
Each of the bedroom has a balcony where you can hang out, have a drink and look at the views (and stars at night). 每個房間都有一個露台,白天可以看風景喝咖啡,晚上可以把酒觀星。
Kmage Loft is the name of the studio of Kuo Cheng Chang. 影樓就是郭政彰影樓的名字。

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