

傳統的日本溫泉是大眾池一齊浸浴,台灣人叫“裸湯”。 台灣被日本統治了幾十年,很多日本文化都流傳到台灣。所以很多當地人,特別是老一輩,都習慣泡溫泉並且使用大眾池裸湯。




Hot Spring Onion 礁溪小澡堂
The entrance of Hot! Spring Onion. 蔥澡澡堂的大門。
Shower accessories at Hot Spring Onion 蔥澡的沐浴用品
There are nice accessories available for sale at the reception. 大堂有品質不錯的沐浴用品出售。
snack bar at Hot Spring Onion 蔥澡小賣部
There is a snack bar at he reception area where you can get a drink or snack before or after hot spring. 櫃檯旁是小賣水吧,泡溫泉前後都可以在這裏吃一點東西。
The towel of Hot Spring Onion 蔥澡毛巾
The towel is a great souvenir that many people collect from onsen. 很多人都喜歡收集溫泉的毛巾作紀念品。
The private room is designed with hippo theme. 這溫泉房間以河馬為主題。
The private room is designed with hippo theme. 這溫泉房間以河馬為主題。
The private hot spring is well equipped 蔥澡的溫泉房間設備齊全
All private rooms are well equipped with a private toilet, shower, hot hub and a dresser. 所有房間都設有私人廁所、淋浴、溫泉浴缸和化妝檯。
Rooms with paintings by artists 藝術家畫不同主題的房間
A few private rooms are painted by different artists. 有幾間溫泉私人間是由藝術家設計圖案的。
Hot spring for couples 雙人溫泉房間
Some smaller rooms are great for couples. 雙人溫泉很適合情侶。
There are some attention to details. 有心思。
There are some attention to details. 有心思。
The interior design of Hot Spring Onion 蔥澡的室內裝修不錯
The overall design of Hot! Spring Onion is bright and modern. 蔥澡的整體設計以乾淨光亮為主,也算時尚。
Paintings at Hot Spring Onion 蔥澡內的畫作
The blue, green, black and white color and the touch of hot spring character drawings match the Hot! Spring Onion atmosphere. 蔥澡內的畫作顏色以藍綠色黑白為主,而且主題都有配合泡溫泉。

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