
不丹布姆唐簡培寺 (Jambay Lhakhang)

簡培寺 Jambay Lhakhang 是不丹最古老得寺廟之一,是西藏國王松贊干布 (Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo)在7世紀時興建。他被認為是吐蕃王朝(現在的西藏)的立國者。傳說中他為了降伏魔女,在喜馬拉雅山山區同時興建了108間廟宇,其中兩間在不丹境內。 簡培寺是其中一間,另一間在帕羅。


Jambay Lhakang
This is the entrance of the main temple.

Jambay Lhakhang 簡培寺
Legend has it that Guru Rimpoche visited the site several times and deemed it a sacred place.

Jambay Lhakhang 簡培寺
Like any other public temples run by the Bhutan government, no photos are allowed inside. But tourists are free to take photos in the open area and courtyard.
Jambay Lhakhang 簡培寺
People go around the temple in clockwise direction and spin the prayer wheels to pray.
Jambay Lhakhang 簡培寺
Most of the Bhutanese don’t mind being photographed but it is always better to ask if you would like a photo like this. These kids came around to give me a hug and let me take photos without asking for anything in return. How gracious!
Jambay Lhakhang 簡培寺
There are several halls and buildings in the temple. There was one with a monk guarding the entrance while a group of monks were prayer inside.
Jambay Lhakhang 簡培寺
I peeked inside, the hall has some colorful drapery like other temples. A group of monks were praying. I asked for a permission and took a snapshot by the door.

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