
2016 奈良滿開:與鹿賞櫻

奈良是日本著名賞櫻大熱縣市之一,原因是櫻花景點多。其中我最喜歡賞櫻地方是奈良公園,交通方便,從奈良JR站徒步20分鐘便到達,或者可在東橫Inn前乘搭幾分鐘巴士到達公園前,公園就在東大寺旁邊。奈良公園有1,200株櫻花樹,種在一大片草地周邊, 有小小山坡,相對其他市內賞櫻景點,這裡很舒服,沒有擠滿遊客。

此外,賞櫻同時可以走近日本鹿群,奈良公園其中最著名的是住在公園範圍內的過千隻野生日本鹿。 當地人認為牠們是「神明的使者」,牠們更被定為國寶,受奈良縣政府保護。當你來到東大寺附近,就會開始看到鹿群,尤其是在東大寺入口處,因為那裡有許多攤檔售賣餵飼鹿的餅乾,鹿群經常在附近流連,等待餅乾。

Nara Park in Japan 日本奈良公園
Deers are tame animals. In Nara Park, the deers are so used to the tourists that they would walk close to you for food and let you take photos.
Nara Park in Japan 日本奈良公園
Full blossom is truly beautiful in the spacious Nara Park.
Nara Park in Japan 日本奈良公園
There are so many tourists visiting Japan during spring. It’s packed every where you go. It feels so good to be away from the crowd and hand out in this spacious lawn to see cherry blossom.
Nara Park in Japan 日本奈良公園
Blue sky. Green lawn. Pick cherry trees. What a beautiful day!
Nara Park in Japan 日本奈良公園
It’s great to hang out and sit under the cherry trees.
Nara Park in Japan 日本奈良公園
On a cherry blossom full boom Saturday, this is not crowded. I guess most people were busy visiting various temples. Only the locals would sit around the park.
Nara Park in Japan 日本奈良公園
Cherry trees, a pond and temple always make a good photo.
Nara Park in Japan 日本奈良公園
There were a couple of deers sitting by the cherry trees at the entrance of Todaji. I can’t help taking a picture with them.

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